Grow Box calculation tool :)


New Member
Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for all the knowledge you put into this forum! I started reading like one week ago and my knowledge was virtually nothing... and now, I feel like an expert, I've been reading avidly any single post about lights, air flow, consumption... and... I start doing my calculations... then, I realised the different factors and I put them in the calculation... well... long story short, I created a little tool that does the calculations for me

and... well... sharing is caring... soo... here you go:

Hope this will help few people... and if some of the experts can play with it and let me know if seems right or there is something off/missing I'm open to suggestions to make is better!

I'm not doing hydro, as first I'm running a soil... this is why there are no calculations about water supply / automatic pumps and stuff like that, BUT! I'm pretty sture I'm going to add all those things... in... let's say... 4 months

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New Member
Thanks folks!! 707... I was thinking to do the calculations also for sealed, but at the moment... I don't have enough knowledge, I'm a newbie! but... give me time, or suggest me the calculations... and happy to implement sealed as well :)

I guess the only difference is on the AC unit and CO2, correct?


New Member
and... calculations seems pretty straight forward:

CO2: for a 8x8x8 ft we need 0.66 cu. ft. every two hours for 18 hours per day
AC: running only when the lights are on... for the watts that is rated for

am I missing anything else?