Grow Box For My Shed


I have decided to move from a grow box in my room to into my shed.

The size is 41" high x 33" wide x 24" deep.
I will be painting the sides white, having 2 120mm fans for inttake and outtake 250w cfl one for flower one for veg.
Was thinking of added some 85ws for side lighting

1st. Will them fans keep it cool enough?
2nd. how many plants could i use?

Thanks ill update when i get paied to buy all this stuff and build any info will do for example different lighting fans.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that those CFL bulbs produce almost no heat. So theoretically those fans will work great.

I have seen several threads on here where guys are going straight from clone to flower w/ no veg. time, grown all the way through in plastic beer cups with some impressive results. You can fit at least 8 of those in your lil shed easy. Run both of your bulbs at the same time to give your ladies a full spectrum of light, line your shed w/ mylar (nice & tight) and you will be off to the races my friend.Good Luck & Get Growing.:bigjoint: