GROw BOX HELP PLZ! 1st grow


Okay so i'm trying to grow a northern lights plant. I have a small hydroponic system btw. I have a reasonably large cardboard box and have three 65 Watt CFL's. I am either going to cover the walls of the box with wrapping paper or painting it flat white. I have the 3 CFL's on an 18/6 cycle w/ a timer currently. I have an 8'' fan from Home Depot I dont know how to put it into use ( input or output? where in box?). Do I need an input AND output fan?



I would paint it flat white and you can use that little fan (+ another one) for an input down low and a bigger stronger fan that moves more air up top somewhere for exhaust. I think exhaust is more important if you have a good fan blowing out you won't need fans blowing in, just vent holes. then a small fan in the box aimed at the plants to circulate the air more!

Good Luck!


i wouldn't be able to get a stronger fan for output so what about putting some holes in and using the one i have for output alone? And is it REALLy necessary to have a fan inside to direct air flow?


i run my lights 24hours throughout whole veg with my cfls MORE LIGHT=MORE GROWTH in shorter amount of time too :}


Well-Known Member
hi u should make a wooden box then u would have more secure area 2 fit ur fan and u would have lid 2 fix ur lights 2
how big r ur plants ? howbig do u want them 2 grow and i would deffo keep the lights on 24/h a day


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't be able to get a stronger fan for output so what about putting some holes in and using the one i have for output alone? And is it REALLy necessary to have a fan inside to direct air flow?
Hi. Using what you have, it is important to remember that when you move your plant to the flowering stage you must be able to keep the inside of the box in near total darkness for the dark periods. These dark periods should be uninterrupted. The reason I say this is because you mention cutting holes in the box. So, if you do cut holes, be sure that they are positioned so as to not allow light into your enclosure.

You will need to mount the fan that you have in a way that it sucks air out of the box. Or, possibly, if this is the only fan you will have, you might be able to rig it up to suck air in and also to blow on the plant to circulate air. If you have this fan mounted so that it sucks air in, then the exhausting hole should force air out. Never tried it, but theoretically, it could work, I guess.

Odor control may be an issue. If you are on a strict budget with no plan to spend anything else on your enclosure, I don't know what you will do about odor control. NL does not create huge odor problems, but...