Grow Box Help

Hello, This is my first post here. I'm wondering about my grow box.I have a couple questions for you guys. I just ordered some seeds off NirvanaSeeds, I do not know if my grow box is big enough to grow in.The strain im going to be growing is "Wonder Woman". I'm not completly finished with the box either, Still have to paint the walls white and buy more bulbs. I plan on having 3 hanging from above 1 in the middle of each side and 2 on each side on the bottom. What do you guys think? Any changes i should do? And The box is 49in tall,18in wide,18in deep.Is that big enough to grow and get a good yield or? What do you guys think?
Thanks -Kameron
Grow Box.jpg
Growing nirvana myself, germed a WW along with a few freebies. WW is miles ahead of others as a 2 Week sprout.

You are going to have some serious temperature issues based on that light placement in a small space. Get a high powered light up top.

Its going to take a lot to get that box ready for flowering, not really worth it for what you'll have to spend. I would use it as a veg space, try and find something bigger to flower in. You can get a decent yield with the height but its just not a lot of horizontal room. I heard WW grows pretty rapidly.