Grow BOX round 2

Hey, this is my second grow as well! Good start for your box, its definitely going to be light tight, which is a good thing! Around your light? Is that Tin Foil? If so, remove it, thats just going to trap a ton of heat and not reflect a lot of light. Your next best bet would be flat white paper. Those fans will be a GREAT idea, as stale air is no good for the plants. I suggest going into Lowes or Home Depot and getting some 100 watt CFL equivalents, atleast 3-4. Buy little socket adapters for the bulbs and viola, you'll have a nice bright box. I like how you put the lights into the top of that brown box, but remember, with CFLs, the lumen output gets cut drastically the further the plants are from the lights, so, keep them as close to the light as possible without burning them! Feel free to stop by my journal, ill be checking in here more to try to help ya out with anything I can, though im pretty amateur myself! I pulled fans for my box out of a Game cube and an old computer I had. If you have a gamecube around Ill show ya an easy way to get the fan out of it! best of luck