grow box too small for flowering?

my question is, with the size of my grow box being what it is, and taking into account that my plants are within there first two "days" of flowering...p.s. i know there small, but grow space is an issue, should i work on getting them in a new grow space, perhaps much bigger?? i heard that the plant can sometimes grow three times the size during the flowering stage. p.s. any advice and guess on yield would be appreciated..thanks



Well-Known Member
I think you can answer your own question if you look. If not, the answer is yes. That space is way way too small for flowering, unless you only want a few grams.


Active Member
yeah yo need more space your only going to get an 8th off of each i would raise it another foot
if you get 75 bucks together you can buy a 150 hps and veg and flower
if you want to keep it the same size grab a red bulb or 2 of red cfls


Active Member
Yea dog, those girls are gonna stretch here within 2 weeks.

The first is a pic of 2 day into 12/12

and the second is a pic 14 days later

Just to give you an idea of what to expect.
how did you get your tree to get all bonzai like that? I can see the stem goes horizontally after an inch, do you just bend it early on or something???
ugh..i wish i could throw the bitches in veg again at this point. if ima make another box for these hoes, i def would have kept'em vegged. shoulda woulda coulda i suppose


Active Member
not to steal your thread but ya your defiantly going to need something higher. I start flowering when my plants reach 2" under half the the height of the box, funny I always recognize you not by your name but by the set up you have. And whats funny is that mine too are on the second day of flowering..


Well-Known Member
To answer the OP's Q. If I was you, I would revert back to VEG. I don't think it's *TOO* big of a deal. Do you see signs of sex yet? There is always a chance it would hermy, but you want more than an 8th off each don't you? If it was me, no question I'd put them back in veg. You don't even really have enough room to flower anyways...

how did you get your tree to get all bonzai like that? I can see the stem goes horizontally after an inch, do you just bend it early on or something???
Yea. I started to LST it when it was very little. Works out VERY well for my space, as I have alot of room horazontally and am limited with height.

All you have to do is make a counter tie so you don't accidentally up-root the plant, then bend carefully and slowly till the plant is where you want it. I have 15 main colas on this plant because of it. There are more pix and info in my journal, there's a link in my sig if your interested.


Active Member
Oh and the answer is yes it is too small but if you can find a way to make it taller youre good to go, and i suggest getting a roll of mular instead of tin foil.. mylar works wonders and isnt very expensive you can easily quadruple the light bouncing around in a small space if you engineer it correctly! :]