Grow cab with 400W HPS Too Much


Active Member
hello everyone....this is my first post and I'm in need of looking to buy the Aeroponics Stealth Grow Closet from I'm looking to get a 400w HPS and MH Bulbs with 400w Ballast...Im looking to grow 4-6 plants at a time....This will be my first grow and plants will be grown aeroponically...The unit itself is 36"Hx18"Dx26"W. My questions I want to ask is do you believe I will have enough room to grow 4-6 plants at a time...also is the 400w lighting setup a bit over kill? My next grow I will look to grow 8 plants but on the first go around I'm looking to do 4-6. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
hello everyone....this is my first post and I'm in need of looking to buy the Aeroponics Stealth Grow Closet from I'm looking to get a 400w HPS and MH Bulbs with 400w Ballast...Im looking to grow 4-6 plants at a time....This will be my first grow and plants will be grown aeroponically...The unit itself is 36"Hx18"Dx26"W. My questions I want to ask is do you believe I will have enough room to grow 4-6 plants at a time...also is the 400w lighting setup a bit over kill? My next grow I will look to grow 8 plants but on the first go around I'm looking to do 4-6. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
It will be a challenge to run a 400 hps in that small of a box. I think you need to be 8"+ over the top of the flowers with a 400, so it will be cutting down on valuable headroom. The heat from the lamp in that small of a box will be the big issue though. This is a good size cab for flouros IMHO.


***edit*** you could grow 30 plants at a time in there if you want to. It's just a matter of how big you grow them.


Well-Known Member
Dude I have a 400w in my wardrobe with windows open in cold England and still shot past 100. My wardrobe like 6ft x 7ft high


Active Member for this size of a closet I should look into the standard CFLs they give...3 55w Loop Tube CFLs....on the website it says it's 30% more effective than MH


Well-Known Member
I like to grow at 100-125 watts per square foot. I think 400watts is good for your space but you are going to have some heat issues. You'll be alright if you can get alot of air moving through your cab and keep your room temperature nice and cool. Your challenge is going to be how tall your plants get. It's going to be hard to keep most strains to finish off less than 16 inches tall. Investigate a lowryder strain or grow 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah or look at maybe 250w hps? Aslong and u get good ventalation you will be fine. Don't let me put you off


Active Member
well in yall you think I would be better off constructing my own box, even though I'm terrible at that type of stuff...because like you said the height of the plants will be relitively small and I am interested in growing indica, sativa, and autoflower strains....


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about a grow tent? They don't cost much more than the reflective material you would have to buy anyways.


Active Member
my two cents would be to go flouro's. Would be more cost efficient in many aspects. Heating is never an issue with CFL's, specifically, so you don't have to adjust your grow just for that reason.

Pro's and cons: HPS/MH set up requires a good ventilation and cooling system to keep temps under control. Bud growth will most likely be better, but much harder to control height and general growth of plants.

CFL's/Fluorescent: Have to be kept relatively close to plants. On the other hand, they won't give you heat issues, can be placed virtually anywhere (which is both a negative aspect because they HAVE to be, but is also very open for adjustment since they CAN be) and it is possible to grow the same plants with CFL's, it just takes some Know-How and vigilance. Plus CFL's are great for keeping plants under control with growth. Real easy to get shorter plants with CFL.

So it's pick your poison: HPS/MH and deal with plants that grow like wild fire and heat problems out the @$$, or get Cfl's and the only thing you really have to deal with is light placement... which isn't honestly that bad. Check out SICC's party cup grows for inspiration into joining the CFL cult.


Active Member
even with the cooltube setup you think it would still get too hot?
OK... technically ANYTHING can be done. yes if you have a fatty fan blowing through a cooltube you could keep that cabinet cool enough, but the radiant heat from the light itself is going to prevent you from letting your plants get real close to the bulb without light burn. Having a fatty fan blowing through the cooltube isn't overly stealth if it is in your main living area.

Somebody above posted that "if you use floros you don't have any heat problems" and that is incorrect. Floros generate plenty of heat... not as much as hps, but certainly something you have to deal with. In my 19x14x30 flower cab I run about 250w of CFL's and if I turn off my fan I could cook a pizza in there! I just measured my exhaust the other day and whenever my lights are burning, my exhaust comes out of the cab at 120 Deg F... I'm not sure if my thermo goes over 120F, so it may be even hotter than that. The temp inside my cabinet is about 75F. Don't kid yourself thinking that floro cabinets are easy to cool. Easier than HPS, but still involves some time to dial it in.

the biggest difference between hps and floros is penetration. The key to sucessfuly growing with flouros is designing so that you don't need the penetration. More, although smaller, budsites and a fairly even canopy...

The 4 most effective ways of using flouros are side-lighting, SOG, ScrOG, and LST. With side-lighting you simply light from multiple angles so the whole plant gets light. With SOG (Sea Of Green) you do many smaller plants, usually strait from clone to 12/12. ScrOG (Screen Of Green) is done by putting a mesh screen such as chicken wire over your plant(s), and continually training the plant to stay under the screen until it is about 3/4 filled, and then once you switch to 12/12 you let the budsites pop through the screen and trim off all the stuff below the screen. LST (Low Stress Training) is similar to ScrOG except that instead of using a screen, you train the plant(s) by tying branches to the edge of the pot to keep it low and bushy.

All work, and all have their pros and cons. Probably the best for maintaining an even canopy is ScrOG, but it is also the most labor intensive and it takes some time to go from seed/clone to a filled up screen. Most productive would be a perpetual SOG where you run 8 or 9 groups of clones and every week you harvest 1 group and then put a new group in. This is usually done with smaller pots like a 4x4 square or soda bottles that are made into pots. SOG can be quite labor intensive with all the cloning and since the pots are smaller they require watering almost every day. Some people shy away from SOG because the plant count is much higher and could mean legal trouble. Side lighting is pretty simple and with the advent of thin, tubular florescent such as t-5's or PL-L's you can put a lot of light into a small space to maximize penetration deep into the plant. LST is my current poison of choice and that works well for me. I do a semi-perpetual flower cabinet that is fed from a tiny little veg cabinet. There really isn't much labor involved, I can use a large enough pot size so that I don't water every day, and since there is no screen in the cabinet I can veg in one cabinet, and run my flower cabinet perpetually with 3 or 4 plants at any given time.

As for building a cab... if you aren't handy and don't have tools it may not be a great idea. Ventilation, carbon filtration, and light sealing are all rather sizable challenges. You can plan and plot all you want about these things but when it comes down to it trial and error are required. Most every cabinet needs tweaking before all is said and done. Buying a premade peice of furniture or a cabinet makes things easier than starting from scratch. Then you just modify the interior. Building your own is cheaper in the long run but there is the labor aspect you have to consider.

Hope some of that is helpful!



Well-Known Member
build your cab out of a fridge or a dresser which u can get free on the side of the road get a couple reflective heat blankets at wal mart and some intake and exhaust fans with that 400 all of the above is cheaper than that grow box u want to buy


Well-Known Member
build your cab out of a fridge or a dresser which u can get free on the side of the road get a couple reflective heat blankets at wal mart and some intake and exhaust fans with that 400 all of the above is cheaper than that grow box u want to buy
plus you will have more height and width to work with which equals more plants and bud but dont get crazy try a few at first then work your way up


Active Member
yea definitely but like I said I'm not handy @ all...Im really looking to buy a premade cabinet but alot of builders charge quick expensive for anything taller than 36"....any quality builders you can suggest?


Active Member
Well I'm not handy at all and the box itself will mess you know any quality builders that won't charge an arm and a leg for anything bigger that 36"


Active Member
Well I'm not handy at all and the box itself will mess you know any quality builders that won't charge an arm and a leg for anything bigger that 36"
Personally I converted existing furniture. I am handy so I would never buy a box!

Tell us what you are looking to achieve... how much product do you want per week/month? Do you prefer the thought of just growing 1 plant at a time and waiting for a harvest or do you like the idea of doing something perpetual? Are you looking to be super stealth about it or are you able to keep the box in a part of your home that visitors don't frequent? Do you have space requirements? Do you have older or current electrical in the area you are looking to use? Do you like the idea of growing, is it a hobby you will be anxious to put time into?



Active Member
Personally I converted existing furniture. I am handy so I would never buy a box!

Tell us what you are looking to achieve... how much product do you want per week/month? Do you prefer the thought of just growing 1 plant at a time and waiting for a harvest or do you like the idea of doing something perpetual? Are you looking to be super stealth about it or are you able to keep the box in a part of your home that visitors don't frequent? Do you have space requirements? Do you have older or current electrical in the area you are looking to use? Do you like the idea of growing, is it a hobby you will be anxious to put time into?

I was looking to work my way up to grow many plants at once but for my first go round I wanted to grow about 4-6 plants...I am highly interested in having a perpetual cycle...cause this being my first grow I'm excited so I'm going to be checking daily anyway (really every constant few hours lol :) ) But I also read plants grown hydroponically taste better and are more potent, idk how much truth is in that. My real thing is with the constant clones and vegg'n I'm going to have two different plant setups in one box basically? And I'm looking to grow some sativas but I'm going to go heavy on the autoflower strains. I am going to be using the electricity from my house so I want to be as inconspicuous as possible...I want to be stealthy but I want a tall enough unit that I can harvest a nice quality crop.