grow cab


hey guys

building a small 4x3 (height/length) cabinet with a 400w hps light, is it a good idea to put it next to a window where the window is sometimes opened for fresh air? the reason i ask is cause it gets around -25 -30 here in the winter time but the rooms heating is always on so it isnt as cold as outside.. is that cold breeze coming into the room going to bother the plants even if its in a cab?

thanks a bunch!


Active Member
If your not freezing your plants you should be fine.
Sounds like your heating the outside, could get costly if you have an elecric heater in there.


Active Member
You should try o stablize your grow temps instead of them being all over the place.
If you don't have a temp & humidity display, get 1.( $5- $10)
Try to bring air in and out with an exhaugst fan thermaly controled.
Your plants will love you for it.