Grow Cabinet Opinions Wanted


Hi everybody, this is my first post even though I’ve lurked forever. I’ve been gaining as much knowledge as possible before moving on to the real thing. So, what I’m looking to find out is opinions on some grow cabinets. A little background on me, I have a family so stealth is of utmost importance. I don’t really know my neighbors and I’m not sure where they stand on the whole weed thing. Anyway, I looked into tents but they are just too obvious and I'm not going to build something because I don't have time for that. So I’ve been looking at prebuilt grow cabinets. They seem to fit the bill for me because they look like any other cabinet in the garage and they are lockable and seems that they have everything I will need to keep a nice little personal grow going. They aren't exactly cheap but it's a long term investment and It's not going to break me so that's what I'm going with.

So I have I narrowed my choices down to a few cabinets:

First one is the Supercloset Deluxe 3.0. Looks nice, they say it has thick powder coated steel and I like the stacked feature. This system uses a 400watt HPS/MH and seems to have a nice DWC system. I’ll have a separate area where I keep a mother and clones so this looks pretty nice.

Next up is the Yielder Pro XL from Cabinetgrow. This is the one I’m most interested in at the moment. To me it looks like the supercloset but nicer. It is also double chambered and uses DWC both top and bottom and has thick powder-coated steel construction. What I like about it better is it is a 600watt with a nice hood, the entire inside is covered in mylar and the outside handles are recessed. I also like that it has wheels for easy access to the controls in the back..

Last but not least is the Bloombox V3.0 from bcnorthernlights. It seems to have a good rep, is super clean looking and looks very automated. Downside is it’s not too stealth and I’m assuming it’s more expensive than the other two.

Supercloset and Cabinetgrow are both in California within reasonable distance so pick up would eliminate shipping. So there it is. Anybody with experience with any of these I would appreciate your opinion.


New Member
I've been doing some research on companies too.. thinking of shopping with super closet. I have heard good things about them..


@beingmaryjane: Thanks for the input. I am interested in them too but casters would be a huge help to me and I was looking for a 600watt. What do you think of the Yielder Pro XL? I probably can't go wrong with either but the decision in still hard to make.

@TreeHyde: Bloombox is badass for sure but I have a feeling it's gonna be too pricey. Not that any of these are cheap I guess.


Well-Known Member

I have been building cabinets for years now. Have you considered a DIY? Those are fairly expensive for what you get. I dont want to picture whore your thread up. If your interested go look in my journal. The build of my cabinet is at the start. I just finished my second round in it. Looks like I will end up with between 10-12oz. Currently working on turning an old chest freezer into another cabinet too. :-)

Beware, stealth cabinets that really grow good weed are ultimately not all that stealth. You have to mask noise and some residual smell still.

Take care

Hi everybody, this is my first post even though I’ve lurked forever. I’ve been gaining as much knowledge as possible before moving on to the real thing. So, what I’m looking to find out is opinions on some grow cabinets. A little background on me, I have a family so stealth is of utmost importance. I don’t really know my neighbors and I’m not sure where they stand on the whole weed thing. Anyway, I looked into tents but they are just too obvious and I'm not going to build something because I don't have time for that. So I’ve been looking at prebuilt grow cabinets. They seem to fit the bill for me because they look like any other cabinet in the garage and they are lockable and seems that they have everything I will need to keep a nice little personal grow going. They aren't exactly cheap but it's a long term investment and It's not going to break me so that's what I'm going with.

So I have I narrowed my choices down to a few cabinets:

First one is the Supercloset Deluxe 3.0.
Looks nice, they say it has thick powder coated steel and I like the stacked feature. This system uses a 400watt HPS/MH and seems to have a nice DWC system. I’ll have a separate area where I keep a mother and clones so this looks pretty nice.

Next up is the Yielder Pro XL from Cabinetgrow. This is the one I’m most interested in at the moment. To me it looks like the supercloset but nicer. It is also double chambered and uses DWC both top and bottom and has thick powder-coated steel construction. What I like about it better is it is a 600watt with a nice hood, the entire inside is covered in mylar and the outside handles are recessed. I also like that it has wheels for easy access to the controls in the back..

Last but not least is the Bloombox V3.0 from bcnorthernlights. It seems to have a good rep, is super clean looking and looks very automated. Downside is it’s not too stealth and I’m assuming it’s more expensive than the other two.

Supercloset and Cabinetgrow are both in California within reasonable distance so pick up would eliminate shipping. So there it is. Anybody with experience with any of these I would appreciate your opinion.
Sometimes they have sales online, so make sure you look online first, then see if you can buy it and not pay the shipping and go pick it up. ;-)



I have been building cabinets for years now. Have you considered a DIY? Those are fairly expensive for what you get. I dont want to picture whore your thread up. If your interested go look in my journal. The build of my cabinet is at the start. I just finished my second round in it. Looks like I will end up with between 10-12oz. Currently working on turning an old chest freezer into another cabinet too. :-)

Beware, stealth cabinets that really grow good weed are ultimately not all that stealth. You have to mask noise and some residual smell still.

Take care

Thanks for the advice. I have considered building my own but I have basically no tools or time to really take something on like that. I would like to build a little space for a mother someday though. As for the smell and noise, I do expect some noise from the fans and a little smell is no biggie. That chest freezer sound like a great idea!


Been doing a little digging around and found that Bloombox and Supercloset use axial fans and the Yielder Pro XL has a 6” inline fan. I heard some people overheat using just the axial and although the inline might be a bit louder it’s better for controlling heat? Anybody find this to be true?


Active Member
I would def go to your local hydro shop and look around. Here is the deal, if you try to grow with a 600 in that little space there are going to be heat issue's same with a 400. Fans are noisy and you would need something with decent CFM to get that hot air out (inline fan). The noise will be more than you expect, so it is going to be very hard to be stealth...people will hear these fans and people will notice the air shooting out of the cabinet. So you need to have an idea of what your dealing with before spending that money. I grow in the closet in a spare room, I had a 400 hps with 4" inline fan 180 cfm. I am in Cali and have warmer weather conditions. My fan when using that light ran 24/7 and in hottest months I was pushing 85 degrees (that is a bit warm). Anyone who walked into this room can hear the fan going. I ducted the fan to exhaust in the attic. To try and make it more stealth and less noise I moved the fan to attic as well, I even put it in a box with padding around it and bought a fan silencer to help with noise. Helped a lot but guess what if someone is within 5 feet of this closet they an hear the fans going.

You should explore the idea of LED, as they put out way less heat. Less heat equals less most of these pre-fab boxes/cabinets use LED that are not the best. You will def need to control smell as well, most strains can get vary stinky in flower again more than you would imagine.

I upgraded recently to LED, its an investment ($500) and have a speed controller on fan so I can turn it 1/2 way so that helps even more with sound. But again it still makes noise. I went to LED and got a tent 2x3x5 to try and become more stealth as my girlfriend and her 5 year old daughter may soon be moving in. So I may be looking to move out of the closet and get a cabinet for the garage as well.

I would never waste the money on the cabinets above. Maybe even take a look on Craigslist and see if anyone has one up for sale. I hear the Supercloset is loud. Think about it anything made from those thin metal cabinets does not have a lot of insulation. The bloom box looks like it may be the best made, looks very nice just might not be most stealth.

How stealth do you really need to be?


i looked at those bloomboxes, too. They are awesome but the price puts it out of reach for me. I just picked up a garage cab. from Lowes for $85. See what happens.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Is your garage air conditioned? Most garages get way too hot much of the year to have a grow without AC and maybe a chiller for your DWC res. A 400W MH in a cabinet needs a lot of cool fresh air.

Full Monty

Active Member
I've owned a Yielder XL for two years now with many excellent harvests. The 600 w hps does heat up the room you keep it in. Living in the Rockies, heat is not too much of an issue. The Yielder is pricey, but being a metal fabricator for 30 years tells me that to duplicate the high quality of this cabinet would require skills and time beyond the reach of most. The Bloombox is in Canada, so I'm sure the shipping is outrageous. The Yielder was shipped to my front door 2 years ago for $300. I can't comment on any other cabinets, but the Yielder is great--Get the most lighting you can afford--and grow!! I haven't bought weed in 2 years, but have been enjoying the dankest of dank every day.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame you can't go with one of the smaller tents and disguise it somehow. A lot more economical to get a good set up right from the start and be up and growin quick. These cabinets are a real pain in the ass to keep cool and hid lighting makes it twice as hard. I have a micro cab and the heat is the biggest issue with this thing. I used to be able to maintain a grow room back in the day with 2 400 watt hps lights and no ventilation at all without having too many issues except smell, but these grow boxes get hot quick. Mine is pretty stealth (which like u, is what I need), but the fan is still pretty obvious and luckily I am able to keep it in a basement. I am enjoying being able to grow on a limited scaled and accepting the challenge to try and get the best yield I can out of my limited grow space. I am just trying to eliminate the cost and headache of scoring my meds on the street.


Well-Known Member
I've owned a cabinetgrow Yielder Max for a year now and it's perfect for my needs. Quiet, stealth, just skip the end of summer/fall harvest to avoid the heat.
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