Grow Chamber's, HATCH Style

dwc is interesting enough i thought it was easier, ill try it first but not if its hard to hook up that looks easy.

i like the seemorebuds setup looks easy.

nice mister setup,

where u get misters from?
I was thinking of using a 2' 4bulb high-output t5 fixture. I was thinking of doing 12/12 from seed using the bloom bulbs but im not even sure if you can start seeds in something like this? Are these made for clones or can you plant directly?

As I stated before this is just for fun and its gonna be in a small space so only 4 plants will probably be grown. And those would be lowryders most likely. In that case I would run 20/4. Height is obviously a concern for me too, and i figure if I use T5's I can save a lot of space and not have to worry about heat as much.

Is there a point in time where i can transfer the seedlings to soil if needed? I thought once the roots get about an inch its safe to transfer. I don't know much about these systems so im hear to learn and collaberate!

Ok Let See, The T5's Will Be Ok, But Won't Grow You A Very Nice Bud, I Would Maybe Look Into A 250w HPS, You Wil, Get Alot Better Result's, & They Cost Wise & Heat Wise Would Be About The Same.
About 12/12 From Seed??? I Would Get Them Up Good & Go From There.
You Germinate The Seed's First, Then Put Them Root Down, Leaves Up In The Neoprene Collars, & Your Good To Go. You Could Use The Starter Plugs To Start The Seed's In, Till You Get The Hang Of It??
Ya, At Any Time You Could Put Them In Soil.

Well, Can't WaitTo See You Getting Some Of This Stuff Together!!EH!!
ya the rez ?

but theres a mister system to?

thats pretty clever?

lol dwc with nutes , whats the difference with aero then?

thats confuses me :(
Yes There System & A System We Come Up With For You Will Have Misters.
DWC-The Root's Are Misted & Oxygenated & The Longer Root Are Submerged In Water. So Everything Is In One Res.
Aeroponics-The Root's Are Misted & The Extra Solution Drain's Down Into A Seperate Rez. And The Root's Just Suspend In The Air In The Top Pod That Does Not Hold Water.

aero is roots misted, with rez correct?

dwc is interesting enough i thought it was easier, ill try it first but not if its hard to hook up that looks easy.

i like the seemorebuds setup looks easy.

nice mister setup,

where u get misters from?

Yes DWC Is Easy To Hook Up & Run.
Yes, They Have A Nice Set Up.
And Thank You, My Mister Systyem Is Easy As Well.
You Can Get The Misters At Lowes Or Home Depot., You Can Get Everything You Need Just About There.
Well, What Do You Think??? You Ready To Get Started??
first im going to finish my setup, i need misters for pvc,pvc fence post or 4inch pvc ,

and im ready to go! check my thread! connecting 1/2 pvc i got a pic on page 3.

im almost done! im trying to update it!

i think i got some old hydro ferts to :) pics i just posted.
im ready to go man aqua mist i wanna see it done, big misters i like that style!!!!!

home depot has 360 spray but no many holes 7-8..
A Anechoic Chamber is used in high performance speaker design to eleminate any chance of room reflections,there are only a handfull world wide as they are seriously expensive to build.

Here is what one looks like.


I've been in a couple of those before also. The chicken wire floors are freaky. I could hear my own heart beat in there.
How crazy would it be to smoke in one of those rooms?!?!?!
first im going to finish my setup, i need misters for pvc,pvc fence post or 4inch pvc ,

and im ready to go! check my thread! connecting 1/2 pvc i got a pic on page 3.

im almost done! im trying to update it!

i think i got some old hydro ferts to :) pics i just posted.

im ready to go man aqua mist i wanna see it done, big misters i like that style!!!!!

home depot has 360 spray but no many holes 7-8..
Sound's Great, I Went & Checked Out What You Are Up To, You Are Doing A Great Job,I See You Are Going Stinkbud Style, He Has Had Great Result's & I Wish You The Same!!!
Hey Hatch what's going on?
Long time, hope everything is going well.
I had a bit of b.s. that last time we talked but now everything is back on track so to speak.
Hey Hatch what's going on?
Long time, hope everything is going well.
I had a bit of b.s. that last time we talked but now everything is back on track so to speak.


Hey What's UP!!,,Glad To Hear You Are Back On Track, Me I Haven't Missed A Beat..Just Haven't Been Around Here, Been Spending Most Of My Time At GreenPassion.Org, There Is Alot Of Older Grower's There & Thing's Run Real Smooth.

But Anyway, Nice To Hear From Ya, Happy Smoke'n.

Woow bro !!!!!
I have been reading all day long , and i'm at page 17 . Been planning this for bout a month , but just NOW things are starting to clear up . I have almost everything to start ... just waiting for some pots to arrive from Western Europe . Here in Bulgaria where i'm from there are not many things to buy at the shops . So i order everything from Germany Including the 2' net pots ( imagine that ) . :hump:
I would love to build one Aero system like Yours with 12 or 15 holes .
Still somewhere in the thread a guy said his head hurts from Info ... Mine can still not take it !
Peace and BIG UP from Bulgaria bro , Keep up the Good Work ... :joint::joint::joint:
Thanks Bro, Take Your Time & Do It Right The First Time & It Will Bring You Awesome Results For Many Years To Come..

If You Get Confused Or Need Help Just Holler, Check Ya Later, Hatch