Grow Closet questions- soil, closet space, light blockage


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a closet grow in about a 5 long by 2 wide closet and need to figure out a good way to block the light escaping. The closet has 2 folding doors there is a lot of light escaping. Btw my budgets running out so I'd like to use the most cost effective method as possible.

Also, I ordered 7 seeds and was wondering how many plants I can fit in this area? The seeds I bought were 1 femanized "snow white", 1 femanized "ak48", and 5 unfemanized "Ice."

I bought some cheap soil (miracle grow organic) as I couldn't find a grow shop in my area, I wanted to know if there is actually a big diffrence from fox farm "light warrior" as I plan to switch to fox farm after vegitation.



Well-Known Member
For you first question the cheapest easiest way would be to staple black plastic completely over the door opening from the inside and seal it with tape then just put one of those stick on zippers in it. The Miracle Grow will work fine and I wouldn't even worry to much about switching mid grow. I would just say try not to transplant any more than you have too. I am pretty sure that soil already has nutrients in it so I would not add any until plants are really going strong like over a foot tall. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are you using and what are you doing for ventilation?
Im using a couple halogens right now but plan on switching to my 400 watt hps once i get it in the mail. As for ventilation, I'm not sure how I'm going to do that yet, any ideas as the closets in my bedroom and I don't want to be kept up from escaping light. Wish I had a good camera but I don't... Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Depends on if it you are able to cut some holes inside the closet into an attic or other space or some time you can tap into existing duct work. Without ventilation though heat will be an issue and that is probably the number one cause of poor results.


Well-Known Member
Depends on if it you are able to cut some holes inside the closet into an attic or other space or some time you can tap into existing duct work. Without ventilation though heat will be an issue and that is probably the number one cause of poor results.
Hmmm. can't cut anything becuase I live in a condo.. And don't have duct work because heatings on the floors and ac is a unit.... Any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
You will have to duct through the plastic into your room. I would use a small inline fan hung up high(hottest air will be at the top) in the closet hooked up to a couple feet of flexi duct if you put a 90 degree bend it will stop most light. On the floor I would put another piece with a curve in it to stop light leaks there also and to let cool air in. Remember not to put to many or too sharp of a bend cause it will slow down airflow if you are going to use an air cooled reflector of course it would be hooked up to that. Odor is going to be a concern also for you I am assuming so a carbon filter on the intake side of your exhaust fan will fix that. Hope that helps.