Grow dresser filters?


Get a Dimmer Switch so u can control the speed like i did! When you turn that thing half down, the sounds almost nonexistant and once u put duct work for the exhaust fan and put a filter on the end (or run it outside/underhouse) the sound cuts down alot!!! The reason im using a 6in exhaust fan is cuz i have no cool air coming in just room air so i need to expell hot air quick!
But if i turn it down wont it not push air through my carbon filter? I have to turn it down during the day, and back up at night.


Active Member
Huh? All the air that goes through ur exhaust fan will go through the carbon filter, even when the fan is turned down it still pushes air through the filter.


Well-Known Member


so lets clear this up, when you say 6 inch inline do you mean 6 inch inline duct booster or an actual 6 inch inline high velocity fan? cuz if we are talking actual, a 4 inch should be plenty.
does the fan look like this?
or this ?
this is what i use
This looks like the best for me

The thing is, that i need it to fit on a dresser in my closet so it can't be seen, if the dresser i'm going to pickup from a guy on craigslist is big enough, i'm gonna put the fan inside the dresser and make it where the carbon filter pokes out just enough where it exhausts.


But how would that work, all of the carbon filter links i found make the air push through the middle of it.


Well-Known Member
thats kind of odd. i wonder why the guy in the tutorial did it that way. i dont see how it could offer any benefits over sucking the air through it. Anyway, all you have to do is kind of reverse how he had it. have the filter put in place on the inside like he has it on the outside in the pic, then hook your fan up to the outside of the box sucking air through the filter.


thats kind of odd. i wonder why the guy in the tutorial did it that way. i dont see how it could offer any benefits over sucking the air through it. Anyway, all you have to do is kind of reverse how he had it. have the filter put in place on the inside like he has it on the outside in the pic, then hook your fan up to the outside of the box sucking air through the filter.
Oh i see, thank you for your help :D oh and should i use the inline fan i chose in the previous comments?


Active Member
Yess im using a 6in inline duct fan, im sure a 4in would work cuz I rarely use it on full blast, Having a friend who's dad owns HVAC store kinda helped me out, thats all he had so thats whay I got. I have prob less than 80 bucks in my CAB. Im not here to tell anyone what to do or if their ideas are wrong cuz mine all started with a idea anx it works great!

Back to the carbon filter, the reason I didnt mount mine onto the fan was cuz that was alot of weight, I ran 6in duct to the floor where my carbon filter sits, all air from onsode the cab comes out into the filter, have not ever had a problem with the smell.


Yess im using a 6in inline duct fan, im sure a 4in would work cuz I rarely use it on full blast, Having a friend who's dad owns HVAC store kinda helped me out, thats all he had so thats whay I got. I have prob less than 80 bucks in my CAB. Im not here to tell anyone what to do or if their ideas are wrong cuz mine all started with a idea anx it works great!

Back to the carbon filter, the reason I didnt mount mine onto the fan was cuz that was alot of weight, I ran 6in duct to the floor where my carbon filter sits, all air from onsode the cab comes out into the filter, have not ever had a problem with the smell.
Kewl thanks :D and how do i power a inline fan?


Active Member
Cabinet Back w fan and duct work.jpg

If u notice top left side of the back of my CAB, thats where the inline duct fan is, i have it where it sticks through the other side about hmmm lets say 2 inches. Then i attached the Duct work, which is the shiny stuff going to the floor, u cant see it in the pic but on the end of the duct work is where my carbon filter is. All the air in the CAB is sent out that way, the fan under the Duct is a 120-180mm fan (i dont remember sorry :( . ) and that brings air in! Its a simple design yet it seems to work flawless.


View attachment 1910942

If u notice top left side of the back of my CAB, thats where the inline duct fan is, i have it where it sticks through the other side about hmmm lets say 2 inches. Then i attached the Duct work, which is the shiny stuff going to the floor, u cant see it in the pic but on the end of the duct work is where my carbon filter is. All the air in the CAB is sent out that way, the fan under the Duct is a 120-180mm fan (i dont remember sorry :( . ) and that brings air in! Its a simple design yet it seems to work flawless.
Oh cool xD thanks man!


Well-Known Member
the duct boosters are next to useless, the high powered fans are where its at, mine sounds like ajet engine inside, but out my window it sounds like a dryer vent, and the ozone makes it smell like a sauna