grow GREEN


Active Member
Well I don't know about this dramatic thread. All I can say is this. GROWING WITH OTHER PARTNERS IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING RETARDED!! People are greedy and selfish. Becoming an indentured servant must be avoided at all cost. I don't care if you have to start out with a $15 fluorescent light, a bucket and some bag seeds. Never "let someone set you up to grow". It is the most sure way to get fucked. Grow gear really isn't that fucking expensive when you think about the returns. Growing with partners NEVER works out in the long run. It may work out a few times but in the end someone is going to take it in the ass. I personally have tried it a few times in the past. We got "burglarised" once. I had a guy try to keep all my gear saying I owed him rent after I spent 4 months growing us 30 plants. The deal was I provided all the equipment and clones. I did all the labor and I got a bedroom to live in. He owned the house outright (inheritance). He was supposed to pay the utilities and provide the space. Well after 4 months of busting my ass on the grow his cunty little crotch jockey girlfriend convinced him to kick me out and try to keep my gear and weed. It didn't work out so well for him. I gave him half the weed and took my gear back at the end of a bushmaster. Then I told him about the 3 ways I had with both his and my girlfriend! They broke up. He tried to grow but could not keep it together and ended up with shit. After word got around Nobody in Portland would touch this clown but some little wannabe gangsters that ended up robbing him about 6 months latter. So the moral of the story is grow solo if you like to keep your weed and don't like drama!!! Peace.