Grow In A Cardboard Box?


Well-Known Member
I am growing in this tree house i have, but i also want to grow inside. My lovely wife though is not so lovely when we have light beems jetting out of our living room closet when relatives are over, i dont want to hear about that, haha. I would like to know if you can grow in a cardboard box, scratch that, I figure you can, but will it get too hot and catch on fire. My idea would be cut some boxes up to make a cardboard cabinent, cover the inside with chrome duct tape and then make a small wood frame to support the light ballast and to hold the box itself up. Then when im done i can take all my lights out of it, dry my bud in it, and then burn it, look!!, it never happened!!. My other idea is a pc growbox. But im not too sure how that will work out. I have no clone sellers where i live, or a mature plant to cut. I wont have a mature plant for awhile either. I heard that the most you could get out of a pc box grow is like a quarter, 7 grams, but idk, its worth a try, but i need to know how to build this. If someone tells me how to build one or the other i will do it and start a journal and update with pics every day................




Well-Known Member
the reason i talked about clones for the pc grocab is because i heard if you start from seed it wont work


Active Member
build your own wood grow cabinet

YES on ANY indoor grow you WILL need ventilation.

plants need fresh air

i suggest doing some research


Well-Known Member
i just need to know will the box get too hot and catch fire, i have a squirrel fan or whatever you call those things to use for some ventilation, intake on bottom outtake on top


Well-Known Member
the box won't get too hot if you vent it well - you need to keep the temps below 85 f for the plants anyway.


Well-Known Member
wow dude you grow box looks like a transformer haha good shit!!, and i am also using cardboard and foil tape, and im using a metal frame i had for a fish tank, my inside walls are insolation sheets, its my first grow and the box is working just great i have 3 pc fans to for vent. here some pics hope i helped you some. if you have any question about the pics let me kno:bigjoint:



Active Member
i'm also using a cardboard box. i was terrified it was going to catch on fire at the start as well. so house hasn't burned all is well. you can check my progess in my journal which is in my signature. i'd be interested in seeing how your journal and grow op turns out.
paper burns at 451 degrees, cardboard which is made out of paper stock burns at 801 degrees. i recently started growing in a configuration of hollowed out cardboard boxes and made sure i looked that shit up before i did, im pretty sure the plants would catch fire way before that lol. and i dont think it would be possible for it to get remotely close to that hot even if my fans got shutoff somehow.


Well-Known Member
IF your house burns down, you can just get another house.

I'm currently constructing a grow box out of gasoline soaked rags and dried twigs. It will probably be ok.