grow in norcal


i have a grow that im starting i germinated 10 seeds all off them success, i planted them all into individual pots, i have them on my patio out in the sun light, my question is can i take it from out door during day and indoor at night? then later when they get bigger can i plant them outdoor without any problems?

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Fuckya bro. I'm surprised you started your plants this early. What are the average daytime temps his time of year. Its definitely a good idea to bring then inside when they are seedlings at this time of year. It all depends on the climate as to when to leave the plants outdoors.


i live in humboldt county its will be near teh beach and i dont know if salt in the air will do anything either, and im starting now so they get stronger earlier on, so i can move to socal, then come up here and maintain it, cause cant grow that well in socal, high desert, but my climate here 10 ft from sea level maybe, and temps lately at night are 30 degrees, and then during day its like 40 im not to sure, forgot to mention this is my first grow