Grow Journal Help!


Active Member
Just an quick question:

I want to start a grow journal, what is the best way to go about it?

1. Use the Journal section under "My Profile"?

2. Start my Journal in the "Grow Journals" section of the forum?

3. Start my Journal under the most fitting subcategory forum (eg: Micro / Stealth Garden) ?

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Most people just use the grow journal section of the forums. You could put it under stealth section or most fitting sub cat also, really not too important.


Active Member
Well. I'm sure It's not the make or break issue here, But I want to put it where it will get the most exposure, hence the more views and ultimately the best feedback and support If i encounter problems :)

Think I'm gona do both in tandem: from my CP and forum sub-category.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Well the regular journal section gets the most traffic, you will probably get more specialized help from the sub cat's though. I don't know about using cp, been using growing forums for 3 years and never checked out someones journal from their cp.