Grow Journal: my first grow with 600w MH/HPS

haha ya, i gave them a watering tonight. put about 300 PPMof beastie bloomz ( their last feeding of it before switching to Cha Ching ) then put about 3mL of Bloombastic ( which ive been reading is really hard to burn with, some people use 7-8 mL a gallon with no burn with the rest of their nutes.) Snow Storm Ultra, the Huvega magnesium, and then my Silica ph buffer to raise the PH to 6.4-6.5 and with everything in my highest PPM rating with every thing was like 650- but most ranged around 600-650 ppm. but most of that is magnesium and silica. the other two dont add much PPM to it. checked my runoff and they all ran about 6.3. so everything is looking good.

BTW do you think that the Kaya 47 i burned a little, stopped putting on bud mass because i burned it? and if so do you think itll put more mass on it?

The big dose of N probaly did slow its ripeing a bit. But it still will finish fine. They look good. Just nurse them now. Not force feed them.EDIT: my bad. I get the haha. Your chillin on the nutes. You must be paying attetion to you your plants. Rock on.......
ya, the rest are fine, and the kaya is taking nutes good now, flush it real well with distilled water and fed her really light for all the watering till now. btw all of their other waterings have been around 500 PPM
Because plants love it. And unless your right down wind of heavy industry. I would collect some and check it out. If it falls between 6 and 7.5 ph. Less than 25 ppm. May save you some money on distilled. Dont be afraid of the moss, mold, fungus thing from the roof. Collect a 5 gallon bucket or 2 to play with. I keep 2-35 gallon trash cans for storage. Make sure they are black or very dark to keep the light out and odds are way against introducing anything to mess with your grow. I only check the ph and ppm's from time too time. I havent phed a feeding in forever. Mines falls 6.8 to 7.7 and pretty much at 12 ppm. Check it out. I bet down the road in future grows you will be glad you did. And your plants may just love you a bit more.
im assuming this is the Make it Rain Technique. ok ill put something out next time its suppose to rain and use that. i fi collect enough may use that to flush with :-)
no shit what? sorry lil slow tonight. haha ya i read up on that. gonna leave a few leaves on while drying and and then trim em when they dry and jar em up.
oh hahahha ya i just read the post about it, well skimmed haha ill read it tomorrow, watching book of eli right now lol.

well ill try the rainwater when i get it.
ya, i took a macro shot of each of the colas, and got close and personal with the trichs, they are all about 75-80% cloudy and the rest clear. except the SLH is about 60% cloudy rest clear. so i think in 2.5 weeks ill get 15-25% amber and the rest cloudy, which is pretty much close to what i want. would like 35-40% amber but that may or may not take another week which i have to cut em down. im going to start showing my house to sell to try and move to CO to become legal. my mom and i are close and we have always wanted to move out there. she knows about my grow ( again very close) and proposed it, she would get a house out there with me ( found one we like with 36 acres of land, a 20x20 shop and a couple of sheds :mrgreen: ). so if everything comes together may be moving there to become legal and become a caregiver, we will both get our cards so there is 12 plants there, but who truly follows that anyways haha. gonna build me a greenhouse, oh ya.
ok here are some plant full plant pics then up close shots of the trichs.

Kaya 47

EPK (bagseed)

EPN (Frosty Bagseed)

no, they get nutes tonight, then monday night, then a good flush. then im trying this new method riddleme discovered where you basically drown the roots and deprive them of most to all oxygen. this kickstarts fermentation that usually doesnt start until curing, and fermentation need N so doing this with the plant alive makes it ferment more efficiently. also i have come to a conclusion the the flush for two weeks is a myth. one really good flush until you get clean runoff is enough. all we are truly doing is getting the salts out of the soil. flushing for two weeks isnt going to get the nutes out of the plant or bud. well some are starting to yellow but most, other than the kaya 47 have been staying green. SLH has a few starting to yellow. but look at subcools garden. he gets virtually no yellow in late flowering. im just going to attribute that to the increase EW castings in my FFOF and that i transplanted them in it like 2 weeks before 12/12. so who knows. but they come down on the 3rd or so. maybe the 5th if i fell like they need an extra day or two. but they are starting to begin their last 2 week swell. except the SLH isnt since it actually need about 3 weeks left but cant let it go that long.
