Grow journal vermont outdoor sativa


Active Member
Hey all! Starting my first grow journal! Been growing for about 5 years now, backyard enthusiast growing for our personal use.. always grew bag seed had the same strain going for 4 years but couldn't find any seeds after our move so this grow I purchased seeds from msln in the netherlands.. got unfeminized regular seeds.. thai stick, sour diesel and a mix of unknown outdoors.. kind of regretting the thai stick now because it has a long flowering time. Hoping for an indica out of the 2 mix seeds to make harvest more spread out and easier. Started in early April or so.. maybe even March. Transferred outdoors in early june, the weather was horrible this spring, spring came very late. They were about 7" when put out early june and this is them now.. started low strength training on what I believe are the thai stick.. had a storm take out our greenhouse and all the plants were thrown all over mixed up. So now it's a guessing game to know what's up but the Thais I believe are the tallest with thin leaves.. the one is over 4 ft tall now so I figured a good time to bend and train, keep them less obvious. Been feeding fish emulsion every cpl weeks.. not too much, not into all the fancy stuff.. when we planted we used compost and dead leaves in soil.. i think i can see some pistols on a few and I'm concerned 2 may be male but its early here to know. 20190710_111200.jpg 20190710_110932.jpg 20190710_110903.jpg 20190710_110827.jpg
Hey so the plants are getting bigger, the ones I tied down seem to be getting more colas. Def have one male and another I cant tell.. maybe someone can help me... first 3 pics are the one I cant tell the sex on.. looks like it may be a male but has the short thick build of a female.. I think it's an indica.. leaves are plumper than my thais and sour diesels.. the purpose of this journal is to see how a sativa like Thai or Sour Diesel fares up here in a valley in mid Vermont.. ✌20190716_145914.jpg 20190714_141653.jpg 520190714_153441.jpg 20190714_153937.jpg
grew a choc thai, latitude 28° horizontally seventeen feet four feet to three feet off the ground tied avery six feet w jute rope along side a Golden Striped Vittata bamboo. Am a former W Brat boy, or an interloper as my friends called me be from Mass and thus a flatlander. Should be interesting what are your plans, are you thinking hoop frame coverage for fall? btw mine started as a seed aaand finished in Feburary. Somewhere the are a few photos 'nuther pc. Regardless will be checking in look forward to the results.

As for your question that is a Sativa imo as much as I've grown and um if that is four foot now...:o that a gonna be a monstah', i flowered mine at 1'6" and felt ballsy lol four feet I would bend and stake every branch and then go buy more stakes... and looks female to me if male i bet its interesting breeding stock. 'k, am way stoned, tired and off to sleep. cheers.
Hey old school dude! Thanks for the reply! Ha flatlanders.. yeah man.. that's what they call us 'round here.. never be a "true" vermonter.. glad to hear you had success with your choc thai! Was it worth the effort? Was the high as good as they say for these thai strains? I've always been a sour diesel fan myself so am hoping to have success with one of my diesel I said they all got mixed up.. what can I say I am a stoner after all .. plans for fall.. thinking an A frame topped with a opaque plastic.. probably put a fan in to keep air circulating.. as long as I can make it to end of oct.. I'm thinking I'll be good.. fingers crossed.. also contemplated forcing 12-12 early but I dont think I can be consistantly enough.. I've got alot of demands on me this time of year.. will update with better pics later..
20190719_083341.jpg 20190719_083317.jpg 20190719_083310.jpg 20190719_083302.jpg 20190719_083119.jpg 20190719_083055.jpg Heres some fresh pics..the close up is the one I'm having trouble sexing.. no seed pod formation but the pistols dont look normal either.. I swore it was a male this whole time despite the shorter fuller build. No smell at all either, even after rubbing stem. All the other plants are clearly showing their gender.. Guess we'll have to wait and see! And yes the first big tall one IS a male.. 5'2" already.. really hate to pull.. could use some more seeds for next year..
Ok so in the previous pics, last ones posted.. all are the same plant that I can't see except the Male with the big balls.. just added that one to show how far along my Male is.. I know I know I have to pull him.. the other one I am having a hard time finding obvious pistols but there are no balls either.. any thoughts?? Oh yeah and that's my watch cat Juicy Bruce! He's on attack mode...
Some pics from today, had an all day rain 2 days ago and man they loved that! I noticed a little purple in the center of some of the new leaves. Thinking it's a phosphorus deficiancy so I sprinkled some organic rhod, azalea fert around the stems. We will see! Trying to determine if the big fan leaf belongs to an indica. I read the individual parts of the fan leaves will overlap with indica. Hoping for at least 1 indica for some variety..oh hey what's the best way to post pics on here? Thumbnail or full size?20190724_084750.jpg 20190724_084739.jpg 20190724_084655.jpg 20190724_084632.jpg 20190724_084804.jpg 20190724_084703.jpg 20190724_084616.jpg
20190802_123934.jpg 20190802_124140.jpg 20190802_123923.jpg 20190802_124209.jpg Rocking and rolling over here! Girls are looking beautiful.. growing like weeds now, had to tie them down a bit again.. a couple of them show pistols very clearly the rest are there but you have to look harder . My question is when should I start counting ? Do the outdoor peeps count from when you first seen pistols or 12:12 ? Technically I started seeing pistols first or second week of July.. according to the 1212 calendar we won't be seeing that change until mid September ! So that's quite the difference . We used to always Harvest sometime early October first or second week but with the special seeds I want to get it right.. thanks!View attachment 4373508 20190802_124058.jpg 20190802_123934.jpg
Well I knew it! The one I questioned for months turned out to be a male (last pic).. such a bummer definately my bushiest most beautiful plant.. he was the favorite among the bugs to though and always seemed a little stressed.. will pull tomorrow. Other ladies are about 1-2 weeks into flower20190814_095145.jpg 20190814_095004.jpg 20190815_083738.jpg
20190826_101113.jpg Girls are getting bigger.. id say one is at 3 weeks, another around 2 and the 2 sativas look like they've barely started which scares me because i know they have a long flower period and were almost in sept and this morning was in the 40's! Thats why im doing a journal though.. to see how sativas fare in vt. ..i20190825_090204.jpg 20190826_101113.jpg 20190825_090050.jpg 20190825_090450.jpg 20190825_090510.jpg n vt..
BADABINGGGGG!!!! 2 flowering. One about 4 weeks one about 2-3. Other girls are full sativa and have been stretching and filling out with leaves up the branches.. somethings been biting holes in some of my leaves.. feeding tbsp mollasses in gallon of water daily and every other day fish emulsion 1 tbspn/gallon divided between the 4 plants.. i process minimally.. looking sexy!!20190830_162150.jpg 20190830_161637.jpg 20190830_161706.jpg 20190830_161855.jpg 20190830_161736.jpg 20190830_162048.jpg
20190904_091515.jpg 20190904_090919.jpg Just discovered i have aphids eating my plants! Maybe this is causing the deformed purple growth and the slow flowering.. mixed up a bit of dish soap, sone lemon oil, eucalyptus, clove and rosemary and sprayed those bitches down!! We'll see if it helps....
Nice work so far, Dirtyfeet, and thanks for posting. Central Vermont grower here. I have one plant, a Northern Lights from Canuk Seeds. Looks more sativa than the description. Hope it makes it.IMG_3159.jpeg IMG_3160.jpeg
Nice work so far, Dirtyfeet, and thanks for posting. Central Vermont grower here. I have one plant, a Northern Lights from Canuk Seeds. Looks more sativa than the description. Hope it makes it.View attachment 4389481 View attachment 4389482
Wow!! That girls got a lot of colas!! Did you top her? Ive been lst mine.. lots of hemp farms around me.. it will be interesting to see how it plays out! What are you feeding that beast? Think shes about 3-4 weeks? My furthest looks like youra, my 2 sativas have just started.. i plan on tarping with a heater if need be.. have a thai stick, sour diesel and 2 outdoors from msln seedbank.. good luck! Keep me updated!
Well sativas are finally flowering. Other two are pretty far along one is an Indica the other is sour diesel I believe. Made the mistake of spritzing with vinegar to try to kill aphids. Thankfully I didn't Delsym too much but it certainly hurt them and burn some of the leaves. Now I dedicate about an hour a day to picking aphids off with my hands. Have been feeding them molasses and a couple times a week I throw in a little fish fertilizer. Once a week or so I will give them a foliar spray of Epsom salts and a pinch of molasses. They are looking mighty tasty can't wait for Harvest!!20190915_101311.jpg 20190915_101221.jpg 20190915_101204.jpg 20190911_081151.jpg
Girls are looking good. 1st and last pic is sour d. Second is indica. Found bit of rot debating on chopping but she still has a bunch of white hairs so im torn.. looks like on and off rain the next week.. 3rd pic is thai stick couple weeks behind the sour d probably be ready late November I'm thinking maybe mid if I'm lucky not sure how it's going to work out in Vermont that late of a harvest but we will see ..20190925_092515.jpg 20190925_093148.jpg 20190925_093037.jpg 20190925_092723.jpg