Grow journal


Well-Known Member
Welp, today marks exactly one week from flipping to flower! I'm growing critical kush under a 1000ts from mars hydro! I gave her a nice trim yesterday as they were super bushy! Have some pistils coming in, and excited to see these babies take off!

Any comments or tips are more than welcome!!!


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Well-Known Member
The girls are filling the net out nice!!!
11 days into 12/12 flowering, and the girls have pistils popping up everywhere! :)
I keep trimming the girls to try and expose new growth sites but the growth keeps getting crazyyy!

Was thinking of an almost complete defoliation of all the big fan leaves and just exposing all growth sites week 3! What do you guys think?!



Well-Known Member
2 weeks into flowering and the girls got ANOTHER trim yesterday!!! They bush out so fast and I'm trying to keep the inside open to light! We got budlets and bud sites popping up everywhere!! :)
Over all I think they're looking good and healthy! Still thinking of a major defoliation next week and then not touching until harvest. Any suggestions?!



Well-Known Member
Looks awesome!! Any updates?
Sorry for the hiatus! Things got busy! Overall the girls are doing very well!
The girl in the back is running Into the same problems she's been having since she was mature in veg! She loves her cal-mag! Towards the end of my flowering feeding schedule it's calling for less cal-mag! Even adding extra cal-mag to her she's showing her deficiencies! I through in an extra dose last night, and the leaves seemed to green up a lot! I hope it holds her through!
Sorry for my ramble lol
I'm 9 weeks into this grow and it's crazy how these plants are the same strain! They are definitely different phenotypes! The back girl looks dense and frosty, and the front one is showing signs of purple!
I feel like I still have a couple more weeks, despite the quoted flowering time! (Which is fine) it's been a fun experience!
@amirah talib thanks for calling me out man!
Have a good week everyone!



Well-Known Member
Nice Photos, would appreciate it if you let me know what brand microscope you are using. Hopefully, I will need it in a few months!
Honest to God it's just my samsung galaxy s8! I zoomed in to look at the trichomes and just cropped the pictures!


Well-Known Member
Today is one day after 11 weeks!!!! We got to be getting close!!!
The girls definitely have some deficiencies or just coming to the end of it's life? Some browning of the leaves, almost positive it's a cal-mag deficiency! Feeding schedule called for no cal-mag and I still gave them a little just don't think it was enough!
I will post close up trichome shots a little later!
Just changed the water and gave more cal-mag then last time I'm sure they'll bounce back!
I'm thinking this should be the last week! What do you guys think?!



Well-Known Member
I could be wrong sometimes pictures are deceiving, but I'd cut em soon. Ive run critical kush for years and rarely go past 70 days. You gotta watch for bud rot if you go too long.


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong sometimes pictures are deceiving, but I'd cut em soon. Ive run critical kush for years and rarely go past 70 days. You gotta watch for bud rot if you go too long.
Thanks man I appreciate that! I plan on cutting them next week! They definitely went longer than I planned or expected, but I don't see any amber yet! :(
I keep my RH around 45% the entire time!