Grow journal

This south african Zulu is my favorite plant to mess with so far. She has never once had a nanner or any hermaphrodite tendency, has not had mold on it when others did, makes it through temperature and humidity swings with out mildew, will start to flower at 15hrs and go full bloom at 14.5 but stay in veg with the typical 18/6.

Need to try it outside. Thinkng it would be a good candidate for outdoors around here. Maybe someday
This south african Zulu is my favorite plant to mess with so far. She has never once had a nanner or any hermaphrodite tendency, has not had mold on it when others did, makes it through temperature and humidity swings with out mildew, will start to flower at 15hrs and go full bloom at 14.5 but stay in veg with the typical 18/6.

Need to try it outside. Thinkng it would be a good candidate for outdoors around here. Maybe someday
Sounds like an easy ride. Botrytis will get to those fat spears though. Only one way to find out!
Beautiful colors. Lovely fade. You do a top notch job
Appreciate the positivity. That fade was a ph issue I was having then compounded with underfeeding during the adjustment. Now that everything is balanced out the plant is a bit pale and filling color back in on the leaves that went pale. They are on a different reservoir and watering system than the darker ones. As well as the light spectrum is more yellow looking on the faded ones vs the darker ones.

The grow media is different as well. The darker plants are in 100% coco, lighter ones are in a mix of coco and peat and perlite that all has been used multiple grows and dumped in a big tub and reused. Has old roots and whatever still in it some. Probably 50-60% perlite or more.

I have hopes of starting a compost heap and recycle all the old stuff for garden or whatever.

Have some coco perlite on order to start fresh in the bottom water pots. It is a rough set of stairs for the knees going down to the grow so I have decided to stick with the coco and perlite down stairs to save on carrying heavy stuff down.
Everything is always subject to change
Please disregard the stray dog hair. I have been trying to enforce the change shirt and pants before opening a tent for anything but I went in without thinking the time the back plant was bent over. Ended up damaging 3 others try to get that one out. Like a bull in a China shop.

Sometimes I want to kick my own ass for rushing to dumb shit without thinking it through. No wonder grandma bruised her hand on my ass so much.
That cbd crack auto had little necrotic spots on some of the old leaves, at first thought bugs but haven't been able to see any. Doesn't really look to be bites though. Maybe was some nutrient issue earlier when I was having ph problems. Seems to have stopped.
Man, treated the media with neem and the captain jacks. After that last round with those mites I have been alot more vigilant, not enough to eliminate 100% doubt though.
When i was growing with my disabled buddy, I put a hinged piece of plywood over half of the stairs. It would swing back up and latch to the wall. If I wasn't around and he needed to get something down ir upstairs, it made it a lot easier on him.
Please disregard the stray dog hair...
...Sometimes I want to kick my own ass for rushing to dumb shit without thinking it through. No wonder grandma bruised her hand on my ass so much.
It's real hard for me to get any kind of bud shot these days without including a little dog hair from our golden. :-)

And I'm right there with you plunging in doing shit without totally thinking it all the way through... although sometimes that can be the best way to learn. :cool:
The 3 in the bottom set of pictures ^ will be 10 weeks from first little flowers forming this Thursday.

The 3 above with the green cages will be 8 weeks from showing this Saturday. Also 4 weeks since the switch to 11/13 from 12/12.

One of the pre98 bubba kush × ON haze that is in with them was not wanting to commit fully to flower at 12/12.

of the 2 bubba haze that refused to show sex, one ended up finally showing male.
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