grow light help rep for help


Active Member
And if I read your other post correctly you said you had one 300 watt (or compared to 300 watt) and one 200 watt light so its only a 500watt grow and actually only using what, 150 watts give or take... that's nothin brotha don't let the wifey bust your balls on that bro. That was literally 1 1/2 light bulbs of the old school incadescent garden variety from 1995 lol. Again DO NOT take this the wrong way, I am absolutly not trying to crack on you one bit, I am not a pro in this field in ANY way whatsoever, but doing the math that's my 2cents.
Hi I used two 600 watt cfls its costing me more because the elc comp I am with are robbing me and i am in the process of changeing comps

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
As with many things preception is reality, and NewBuds Wife preceives the grow room as increasing the electric bill so it is there fore NewBuds reality.

If Mama aint happy, no body is happy.