Grow Light System on Amazon


Well-Known Member

i know u think u are telling me something correct but really ...............try the exp u just said u will see most if not all the dye come out the front few since that is the closest one on a weak stream a full stream it comes out them all

this will apply to the air too ...................u can do a test with a smoke bomb ................put the fan on low and suck u will see the smoke going to the closest part near the flange ..........and near the end of it almost no sucktion if any at all

that is the point i am tring to make do i know this i been that bored built things and tested the ideas takes 2 70,000 sqft smple bombs to fill my basement with smoke u can not see 1 inch infront of u for the water mesing with a drip ring the water will come out the front and not go all the way around if the feed is to slow and if to strong comes out them all like a jets


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to smoke bomb my house, thank you. Once again, gravity.
and that is why my thinking is different then yours i seen it with my own eyes

get one of the cheap 30 sec smoke bombs they sell at any place for 4th of july light it and use test it .............hold it about 12 inches away from the ejection point below it and watch the smoke how it travels out (where it is getting sucked tho the most and where the smoke is passing it by ) u migth need 2 but the rest give away to some kid on street if u do not want them


Well-Known Member
you guys totally got lost on helping this kid lol. Any way my advice is dont dimm beyond 75%. I the empherical evidence the "damage" that was refereed to early exists in MH bulbs significantly more then hps. The hps mh combo sucks to. I was lookin into buyin a light and was looking up lights on amazon, this threads came up. Theres others out there to help you man, just gotta read. If u have any specific questions feel free to ask. I got lost in all their BS. lol


Well-Known Member
you guys totally got lost on helping this kid lol. Any way my advice is dont dimm beyond 75%. I the empherical evidence the "damage" that was refereed to early exists in MH bulbs significantly more then hps. The hps mh combo sucks to. I was lookin into buyin a light and was looking up lights on amazon, this threads came up. Theres others out there to help you man, just gotta read. If u have any specific questions feel free to ask. I got lost in all their BS. lol

he made his choices 3 days ago .................we are just bullshiting and talking learning more stuff

the guy knows if he needs anything just ask ................i get a cookie for being nice so i like helping (i am 6 foot 240lbs so u know i like cookies)


Well-Known Member
are you blue? cause if thats the case ur def a cookie monster.

not yet .............i plan to get a 1 inch sqaure of my body tattoo with a solid blue color ..........that way if smurfs or na'vis are real i can say look see i am part that

most likey will do it on my ass .............get a blue black brown yellow and few other things that way they ask what race i am i can say anything i want bend over show them my ass see black or brown or yellow

on the other cheek i am getting my home addy tattooed on it so if i am drunk i can say take me here and point to my ass

Herb Man

Well-Known Member