Grow log from a 1st timer! Luv some help!


Active Member
i had major probs with heat in my shed over summer and the only way for me was lots of fans and inline fan venting the heat out
i was growing in a big mdf box that i made
my temps were over 106 some days and it was pure hell i used passive intake and a real big inline fan up on the top of the box to suck it out
also if you put ceiling fans (like in your bathroom)in they work well but u gotta put a few in
btw goonie$$$ your a helpful dickhead, if your so pro try to help and not be a dick
Yeah, that's why I decided to move into the garage. My shed is only like 6'x8' and it's metal. The amount of insulation to counter act the sun and noise would just not be cost effective. I've got a few hair brained ideas about indirect ground cooling and such, but right now I just don't have the time to work on it. Anyway, my garage is much easier to control the temps, and even if we get some really hot days down here in SoCal, I have a little Move-n-Cool AC I can roll in there to keep things in check. Thanks for checkin' out my grow! (and yeah... it is like coke! hehe)


Active Member
nice recovery bra.
How big is your shed? Something as big as a shed should be fairly easy to keep cool, unless it's being super-heated from the sun? Take some pics of the shed, and maybe stand back and take some wider shots of your setup, I would like to see how it's all setup. As far as the sun, I imagine those plants enjoyed their time outdoors. lots of peeps say indoor plants could die outside, but a few hours probably gives them I nice shot of UVB if nothing else.


Active Member
nice recovery bra.
How big is your shed? Something as big as a shed should be fairly easy to keep cool, unless it's being super-heated from the sun? Take some pics of the shed, and maybe stand back and take some wider shots of your setup, I would like to see how it's all setup. As far as the sun, I imagine those plants enjoyed their time outdoors. lots of peeps say indoor plants could die outside, but a few hours probably gives them I nice shot of UVB if nothing else.
My shed is a metal 6'x8' home depot special that gets direct sunlight all day.

Yeah, the girls love their time out in the sun. They get a nice growth spurt every time I put them out there.

Here are some pics I took today of the girls 'lounging' in the socal sun and of my setup.



Active Member
Welp, I put the girlz on their 24hr. dark cycle this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't screw this up! hehe

Tomorrow morning I will set the lights up on timers for 12/12.

Is there anything I need to do once they start the 12/12. For the next feeding I'm going to do half grow, half bloom nutes. (read that somewhere, seems to make sense)

Any and all help is appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
really nice setup's amazing how ingenius we stoners can be. Your girls look great. Question: why did you do a 24 hour dark cycle before going to 12/12 instead of just going to 12/12? I've done alot of reading around here over the last 8 months and dont remember ever reading that tip...then again I'm a stoner so i might have forgotten. anyways...awesome job peace:leaf:


Active Member
Hehe... I might have been stoned when I 'thought' I read that! I even read somewhere that some were doing 36 hour. But again.... stoner! ;P Yeah, amazing what you can come up with when you REALLY need to get a grow going! That 'was' one of those plastic shelving units you can get from home depot for like $30. The sidings are 4'x2'x.25" mds board you can get that are precut for $4.93 each at HD. Couple of hinges and.... viola! Instant grow room! Still working out the lighting details. I'm not thrilled with what I got right now. I'm using those ratchet motorcycle ties as the hangers for the lights. Easy to adjust, but very bulky and hard to work with.

I turned the lights on this morning at 8am. Just got home from work and checked on them, they're still alive! Is there anything I should be watching for these first few days of flower that could be signs of stress or problems?



Active Member
Hehe... I might have been stoned when I 'thought' I read that! I even read somewhere that some were doing 36 hour. But again.... stoner! ;P Yeah, amazing what you can come up with when you REALLY need to get a grow going! That 'was' one of those plastic shelving units you can get from home depot for like $30. The sidings are 4'x2'x.25" mds board you can get that are precut for $4.93 each at HD. Couple of hinges and.... viola! Instant grow room! Still working out the lighting details. I'm not thrilled with what I got right now. I'm using those ratchet motorcycle ties as the hangers for the lights. Easy to adjust, but very bulky and hard to work with.

I turned the lights on this morning at 8am. Just got home from work and checked on them, they're still alive! Is there anything I should be watching for these first few days of flower that could be signs of stress or problems?

Oh yeah... and for the reflective material on the inside... I used those thermal blankets you can get from WM for $3.88. Each blanket will do 3 4'x2' panel. I got a can of non-toxic spray glue and me and my wife laid it down and smoothed it out.


Well-Known Member
Hehe... I might have been stoned when I 'thought' I read that! I even read somewhere that some were doing 36 hour. ...
:-) i do put the girls in 48 hours of darkness just before cutting...i've read that this stresses the plant into doing everything it can to survive, and that's good for us in the long run.

i hv a very ghetto solution to the adjustable light lights plug into a powerstrip which is fastened to a length of 1x2. I use metal tape on each end of the of 1x2 running vertically where they are screwed into the top of the cabinet and hang down about a foot, they could be longer if you wanted. there are holes every .5 inch. i currently just screw the metal tape into the end of the 1x2, but a better solution would be to embed a length of bold sticking out the end of the 1x2 and that fits in the metal tapes holes and use wing becomes toolless. you can easily bend the tape back on itself and it takes up no extra room. you can kind of see it in the pic, plus i use it on the 120mm white fan on the right...peace:leaf:



Well-Known Member
yo-yos they are really cheap and hold alot of weight
i use them and swear by them, cause when your holding a burning hot ball of death above them i like to sleep easy ,moto tie down good idea but as you said bulky
my seedlings are getting great beautiful sunshine tomorrow just because of you
why didnt i think of that
free nice way more powerful than my cfls
they will grow alot faster
how often do you have to water them when they are outside?

anyways your doing amazing i cant wait to see these plants flower
your grow looks terrific