Grow number two 3 Chem, apple pie, pink og, and bentwheel


Active Member
Never done a journal before so here it goes. I put 9 beans in paper towel Oct 27 3 where bag seed chemfire and the others I traded some of my chem.beans for so I also sprouted a apple pie not exactly sure the genetics of it or any of the others 1 pink og and 3 of buddies home creation bent wheel.they started to sprout on the 30 but I waited to Halloween to plant into peat pellets in a dome setup all but 1 sprouted which was the pink og being that were only alowd 4 in Canada I took it as a loss and tossed it in the trash as I didn't want them all different sizes. The next day's I looked in the trash in the puff room and their was a little spout coming out of the peat pellet so I threw that one back in the dome for a another day or so while I transplanted the other 8 into 3 inch pots filled with promix hp on November 2 . And put them in my 2.5x1.5x4 foot grow cupboard under a cheap Costco led grow light while they build up some strength had 1 oscillation fan in the box no exit yet as temps and humidity where perfect 24c 50-60rh during lights on and 19-20c and 40-50 the lights off. First pic is right after I transplanted them and second pic is the pink og I tossed but manged to score back to life her legs are a little long because I left her in the drawer with the dome on a little to long she was trying to find some light with everything that's happened to her so far



Active Member
November 10 I decided to take 1 of the Chem fire and 2 of the bent wheel out as they were not performing as I would have liked and since I'm on limited space for now they had to go November 13 they finally starting to look like beautiful bushes bobber 23 I transplanted them to what I'm thinking will be final pot a 2.5 g hardpot prewatered the soil which again is promix hp and then just a small dose of feed water over the rootball was after they were planted left like this for prob 3 days before it felt like had to water them so I had a gallon made up of house and garden soil a+b equal parts of 1ml per l of distilled water with half ml of roots Excell and amino treatment per litre of water with the bigger pots I think I might have over watered the apple pie bent wheel and one of the chems as instantly they were drooping so I held off on watering the other three around this time I started to notice the bent wheels leafs are starting to curl up on the edges and is a little dark in my eyes this whole colour changing thing is hard for me as I'm partially colour blind so I dont really see the changes till their quite drastic anyways enough rambling so today I go to finally water the 3 I left unwatered gave them each about 700 ml of just distilled as I still think their kinda dark I'd like them to be more of a vibrant green like everyone else's plant any tips or tricks are welcomed 1st pic is right after I transplanted into the 2.5g pots sorry about the blurple.picture number two was November 24 kinda droopy number three is a group photo 3 on the left are Chem middle right is apple pie back right is bent wheel and front right is the pink og last picture is the curling on the bent wheel

