Grow of purp


Well-Known Member
They use halogen in those food pattiserie things lol
about the only bloody thing they are good for,
i was wasted last night , cocktail of Romulan and pain killers ha,
i read back the thread and thought what on earth are we on about and has the op hung himself over the lights yet?


Well-Known Member
There just puppies , impossible to tell until they have some adult leaves,
rule of thumb is sativa plants grow more spikey thinner leaves and the plants are taller, Indica plants grow more broader wider leaves and the plants are more bushy and squat in stature.


Active Member
They look like some fatter leaves then my other plant.
My other plant looks completely handicap with the leaves that grew


Active Member
Their not stressed any more. They were heavily stressed before though. Scared they won't be female plants any more.


Well-Known Member
Honesty being the better part of valor , they are struggling umbre,
I know that's not want you want to be hearing.
Focus on the new growth , it looks wispy and stressed.


Active Member
You think so? If you saw what they looked like before idkk lol. I should post photos from the day I got them, I was just looking through the photos.