grow op? co-op? dispensary? wtf


Well-Known Member
So im a Florida boy but ive come across the opportunity to make some money in cali but I would like some clarification on some things before I get into it. These may sound like stupid questions im sorry if I offend you lol.

So I would like to just go to cali and grow pot do you need a permit or cultivation license ive done my research and ive gotten conflicting info some places say nothing like that exists in cali some say there are plant limits.

also do you have to have a dispensary or co-op or can you just sell them there pot and have nothing to do with the sale to patients.

and from what ive read co-ops are safer when it comes to the feds but you dont make as much money is this true?


Well-Known Member
so whats how is it that the whole "cultivation" thing works tho is there a license that you need or is the only way co -op or dispensary

and by full do you mean that the state only give a specific amount of licenses? or that the market is flooded


Well-Known Member
google gives conflicting information and its less conversational if thats the case why are you on rollitup? just google everything? if you have nothing productive to say keep it to your self


Well-Known Member
Thats more the co-op route isent it? how about just growing and selling to dispensaries I thought they took away plant limits thats what "google" says

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yes and no the bigger card lets you hold up to 99 but my dr told me if I get busted with more then 12 I better be ready to prove or try to convince the judge that I need to grow that amount for my medical condition. You need a dr recommendation to sell bud to the club.its extra meds that you don't need as a patient and the club is willing to give you a donation for them


Active Member
The market is flooded in California, Oregon, and Washington. Unless you can grow completely top shelf flowers, be prepared for a let-down.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Honestly even if you can grow nothing but grade A your gunna be let down unless you sell in the streets! And that's very dangerous especially in cali!


Well-Known Member
so im better of in Colorado? 99 plants is not much for the people im working with im talking about commercial growing im not growing for my self i dont smoke im a firefighter


Well-Known Member
I've had a Dr rec for a few years and it gives me 12 plants total. I don't how or where you go to get more. Selling to the dispensary could be considered illegal even at state level depending on the mood of an officer I suppose. Theres a lot of gray area and it varies county to county and city to city. As others have mentioned too, theres a ton of weed in cali so don't quit your day job just yet!