Grow op numero tres


So summer is over and im about to get my 3.5' x 6' closet poppin. I live near the carquinez straight on top of a hill so I get a really nice breeze through my room. Planning to do ten plants each in 5 gallon pots. The soil ill be using is fox farm's sea soil (really smelly when it gets moist n hot). Light ill be using is a 600w hid with digital ballast. Water will just be filtered through a home drinking water filter thing, like brita, which ill keep at room temp. Closet will be covered with mylar and two wall mounted fans blowin on low. No nutrients will be used for veg, just flower, which ill be using Fox farms tiger bloom. The strain im not certain till today, maybe some Kens Grand Daddy from the fabulous Holistic Solutions in richmond or some Purple Erkle from the Purple Heart in OAKLAND! hah

Ill have pics up by today, tonight or tomarrow.


Well-Known Member
Lookin forward to see these babies ! They sound like a nice cross, I'm growin some chemdog you can see it in my sig.


so me and my partner talkin about doin the FIM technique. planning on just cutting the top bud in half. Anyone have some ideas or tips, itd be nice


picked up 10 babies of Kens Grand Daddy from Granddaddy Purp in richmond. 15 bucks for the small ones and 30 for the biggies :|

as i was potting them i ran out of some soil so i filled a pot a little more than a quarter way with some rocks from outside that i washed. Didnt want to go and buy a full bag for one pot.


Well-Known Member
Hehe I'll take a pic of my plaque when I get it. I am stickin around for these babies!

Not sure if you can help bro, but I am unsure if I am seeing early signs of sexing. I will post pics in my journal soon.

mmm Purps :D


Well-Known Member
damn these babies is growin quick :}

I will take pics of mine soon, you can start to tell they are flowering i think.


plants were topped today using three different techniques. Two me snapped my finger, two where done by completly topping it and 6 were done using the FIM technique
