Grow op numero tres


So I got spider mites about a week into flower and didnt do anything till monday, not on purp-us just thought i had dust on my leaves. Sprayed some refrigorated neem oil on the plants before they went to sleep and this morning they are looking pretty good, couldnt find one bug but I didnt check all the leaves.


So the mite problem has been tooken care of just in the nic of time. Everynight I will be neeming and rotating the plants, i hope everynight. Im rotating them because I through an extra 400w light, not digital. These are the pics of late week two



So each plant is getting half a table spoon of tiger bloom every other day and being rotated one plant to the left underneath a 600w digi and 400w analog light.



So plants are getting 3/5 a tbl. spoon of tiger bloom every other day. Im about to start watering on the non feeding days tomarow. Plants are still being rotated every night and being sprayed with a Neem Oil solution because there are still spider mites but the population is undercontrol. And apparently neem oil is like a wax for your car and leaves a coat, so im misting the plants every now and then with room temp water to wash off the neem oil because the plant wont be able to breath with it on it. Here are pics of today and some smoke of mine. p.s little seedling aint goin to fast but its alive on a 24 cycle.


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Looking good man - not sure how I missed this until now, but I'm subscribed.

How'd your neighbor get busted and how big was his op? Just curious.........


besides a few pounds and 20 grand his room made had some pshycodelics. they left him with his legal limit and took the money. no grow op there


Well-Known Member
Damn!!! That sucks bro! But in other news, your ladies are lookin great! Glad to hear u took care of the mites.

I got food poisoning :[ I'm close to harvest.. I think. I'll add some to my journal.


almost in week six i think, leaves gettin yeller and there are still some reminisce of the mites. started lowerin nutes as well. Neighbor got bust for 500 hits of acid and 3 onces of molly! uughhhh!


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Looking very good man, but a question - why are you going to lower the nutes? This is when the buds are really gonna pack on some mass................


i felt like i was giving them a lot already so i thought id lower so by the time its time to flush there wont be that much to flush out. Something i thought id try but if its not necessary i wont.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I'm not a soil man so I can't comment (in hydro and I don't flush), but I'd think right about now you'd be wanting to maximize your nutes (within reason and short of burning them, obviously) - now's when they're really filling out, don't starve them.


ok ill take that into consideration when im measuring the nutes. Any tips on harvesting? i was gonna not give them nutes for week 7 and just cut every branch and put them into my dresser on some chicken watter. id hang them in the closet but i dont want bugs on them because there are still some mites.