grow op


Active Member
I started a thread in the newbe section but that was a mistake so im starting over here. the op really started in 2/08. learned everything I know, I dont know much, from this book I got a borders on hydro designs and growing. Would like to know how people feel about what they see and think about my desighns. You will see I had a lot of obsticles to overcome but I am glad about the way things worked out. I had many a late night in the garden and changed my mind about so many things. Ill post this and start posting pics.


Active Member
The pics start here but the real story began over a month before these pics were taken. the date of these pics is 3/16. They started out there life as seeds in a 12 spot ebb and flow system made out of soda bottles and 1" pvc. They are about 2 weeks old in this photo. the system you see is a top feed set up made out of 4" pvc and 3"mesh pots filled with expanded clay pellets. under all this is a 5gal res. I didnt have any pumps at the time so I used my old pool pump to feed the system. It worked great but I soon found out that those 1/4" feeder lines get cloged real easy if you dont clean the 4" pvc tubes real good after drilling 3" holes for the pots. :mrgreen:



Active Member
These photos are from april 8th. They real began to grow. The problem I felt I was having was the sides were not getting bushier. So, I got this 2' ho flor. plant light at walmart for ten bucks. I only had enough flow for one so every 2 days I would switch sides. After 1 week I couldn't see through the sides any more :mrgreen:. Any way I didn't have a ppm or ph pen so I flushed once a week and try to keep up with every thing. Used Gen hydro 3 part nut. and a table spoon. Didn't lose any plants and they always seemed to have a nice green color. What do you think so far?



Well-Known Member
Nice setup! Are you growing any particular strain or is it bagseed. I will keep looking to see how things turn out........Good luck!


Active Member
I got the seed from a friend. He had been saving seeds for a while from the better bags he came across. So yes it is bag seed. I think there are three different species becouse of the different looks they developed as the grow progressed. Its funny becouse some plants take off and others grow slow and then when it comes time to flower the ones you thought were no good becouse they were always short are they first to flower. What a trip. Anyway the first seeds I got were no good, maybe becouse he left them in his garage all winter.........more to much more...... question, has anyone had a setup like mine. I talking about the 4"pvc top feed with clay pel. ? any luck?


Active Member
These are pictures of the cloner I built. I didn't have 500 bucks for an ez cloner so after looking at one in the hydro shop I decided I could build one. I used a 5 gal bucket, a 700 gph pump from lowes I got for 70 dollars. The Plants sit ontop of this tub I bought at walmart, 5$, I cut square holes in the top and picked up sheats of foam , also at walmart, and made slices in them wide enough to hold the clones. The pump fed up into the tub, feeding a 3/4 poly line about 2.5' long. I screwed about 12 misters into the top and let the thing run 24/7. I had roots in some of the babes in 5 days:mrgreen:. I couldnt beleave the thing worked. I put it all together for about 100 dollars. O, I modefided some pvc fittings and made a drain that led back under the table to the res. I used some stuff called clonex I picked up at the hydroshop.

