Grow Operation Planning / who here has seen Mr. Green's I Grow Chronic?

When Mr. Green started, his insulation was pink. By the end, 25% of it was black.


Mold!! its bad for you!!! makes you sick!! I know!!. If you have any drywall, insulation or organic material such as wood there, protect it!!

unless you dont care, or its not your house, then go for it.

Advise: strip your walls, leave the insulation. Put up 6 mil vapor barrier and tuck tape the joints. Then put up some mold resistant drywall or cement boards.

Do a good job of it, if its your house and you sleep there with your kids, id protect them.

you can get any of these things in any hardware store.

Some people will say its overkill, but if those mold spores get into your house, and you kids breathe them in, they will get sick.

its simple:

humidity + organic material = mold

mold + you = sick

It's not mold. It's dirt on the insulation. You are right, mold isn't healthy, and steps should be taken to avoid it at all costs. But that's not mold on the insulation in the video... great observation though!! whoever originally posted that, I'm giving a rep point too for that!

I will give you some time stamps through the video that shows what I mean. It's dirty insulation in the beginning, and it shows it as dirty insulation near the end, it's the lighting that's different at the end that makes it really look black. If you look closely at the times I'll give you where it's in better lighting, it is in the same spots and in the same shapes as it appears in the video as black at the end.

start watching around 14:18. He's setting up the veg room check out how the dirt looks on the wall behind him and then skip to the end at around 1:20:42 where it looks black. compare...

Just don't want to see something get a bad rap incorrectly.

added as an edit: It's budsbunny that I'm givin the rep to, he's the one who brought it up. Again, great observation on that!
added as an edit: It's budsbunny that I'm givin the rep to, he's the one who brought it up. Again, great observation on that!

ty, ty. Too many houses ruined because growers do not care. The value of my house went down because of a grow up, defaulted on mortgage, sold for A LOT LESS, extensive mold damage. After that, another house sold on my street for not so much higher then the grow op house.

I just get mad because its the regular responsible joes like many of us that; 1. get a bad rep, 2. loose money because of someones ignorance.
I always thought that Mr. Green's grow op was a bit primitive but rather expensive.
I never understood why he would sink all that money into a Co2 system, 400 watt lights, Ph testing equipment and not better lighting during vegg.
If he had better lighting he certainly wouldn't have to wait 2 friggin months to throw them into flower.

The whole idea of growing hydro is speed.
You only have to vegg for 2-4 weeks or until they are about 8-10 inches tall, then throw them into bloom.
I can understand his thinking on growing the mom's for 2 months before taking cuttings.
But there's no need to vegg that long.
Plus, spraying the plants with carbonated water is kinda of dumb if you ask me.
Especially if your already using Co2 gas.

I'm not a huge fan of clay pellets or hydroton.
It's extremely dirty. It doesn't matter how many times you rinse it off.
When I grew hydro, I used diatomite as my medium.
Plus, he never talked about how he was bringing fresh air into his op.
Yea, he had an oscillating fan to help circulate the air. But I didn't see any fresh air coming in.

If your thinking of mimicking his op, I would definitely spend the extra money on some better lighting during vegg.

I wanted to add that I remember him topping his plants after the first week of bloom.
There is no need to top, In fact I'm a firm believer that topping your plants stresses them out.
When you stress your plants there's a possibility that will turn hermie on you.
I'm thinking he topped his plants because of height issues.
If you vegg just until their 8-10 inches tall, then there would be no height issues.
At harvest they'll only be about 32-36 inches tall, and you'll still get approx. an oz. of bud
off each plant.
That's if you use the strains that he was using or something similar of the same yield.

I was wondering the exact same thing about the fresh air intake (or lack thereof) and the cheaper veg lights he uses. He seems to have a decent yiels for no fresh air tho... wonder how that is?
I would need to see the rest of the house.
Or at least know where this room is located and what other rooms are near it, above it, etc.

Basically you need a constant flow of fresh air coming in.
Preferably coming from a nearby room that's hardly used like a pantry, or closet.
Then you need to exhaust your grow room into an attic, chimney, or simply out the side of the house.
I'm guessing your room is about 6 wide, 8 tall, and 10 long.
Which is about 480 cubic feet. You'll need at least a 480 Cfm blower for your intake.
These size intakes can be a bit noisey, which is why it's important to attach it to a room that's hardly used.
Then you could go with a 300 Cfm blower for your exhaust.

Then all you need is a couple of osciallating wall fan's to keep the air inside the room moving.

So you seriously don't see a problem with running an intake fan? And one much bigger than the exhaust at that? That would be trying to put 180 cubic feet per minute into the room and not exhausting it?!
All that air would have to go somewhere, and it would find it's way out through any gaps and cracks in the walls etc, taking that lovely skunky smell with it. If there were no gaps and cracks, it would be even worse. With nowhere for the air to go, the pressure would rise. When the pressure of a gas increases, so does it's temperature. We are trying to keep temperature low, that is the purpose of ventilation.

Just get an exhaust fan capable of removing the air in the room at least once a minute for hid lighting, preferably more, and use a fan speed controller so it's not working flat out constantly. Then simply make a hole about the same size as the exhaust, cover it with a light trap of some sort and the air will flow in as fast as it is removed.
Alright guys so i did something wrong apparently... my seeds after germinating were placed in the mesh balls of soil and left in a dark closet... i think theyre dead.... the roots havent grown out any longer and the seeds havent cracked anymore.... the soil balls were constantly soaked and no light either....

what am i doing?!?!?!? I KILLED THEM... 5 days and no progress....

i have 6 more so ive started germination... can somebody please walk me through this as i have never grown from seed before
Alright guys so i did something wrong apparently... my seeds after germinating were placed in the mesh balls of soil and left in a dark closet... i think theyre dead.... the roots havent grown out any longer and the seeds havent cracked anymore.... the soil balls were constantly soaked and no light either....

what am i doing?!?!?!? I KILLED THEM... 5 days and no progress....

i have 6 more so ive started germination... can somebody please walk me through this as i have never grown from seed before

Check out the growfaq . If you still have questions, start your own thread instead of jacking someone else's.
Alright so my first 5 seeds died like i posted a while back... i was dumb with them and drowned them. I planted another five 4 or 5 days ago and all was well until we got a cat.... yesterday the cat attacked the plants twice so i got rid of the cat.... but from what i can see only two died so now i have 3. On one the leaves were partially bitten off and it seems to be doin alright. On another the stem was kinked but from very fine tuning i was able to unkink it and its growing strong and the last one was completely untouched and 100% healthy. let me know what you think.


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I wouldnt do mr greens method I tried that flood table and drip feeder shit and i didndt like its way too complicated especially for a new grower there are way better methods out there to achieve better results and much easier to manage
they will be fine man. that is funny the cat got them. i want a cat to see what she would do to my garden. lol.

looking good. dont overwater. i forget what light you got them under. I would lower it a little. If it is flour then no worry. I have one your's age and it is 2 feet under a 400 mh digital and that is like 30-40+ lumens easy so no worries, ti could be closer.
Watch heat.

they look ready to go to a final home. As soon as you see roots, shoot! If you have any myco granules laying around it would be smart to sprinkle them under the peat pellet. All plants love some myco inoculation. :)

Is it rw? I will read more. I put mine and their rr puck right into soil in 16 ounces. I did ebb and flow in rw and I used the cubes and put them into bigger cubes at first sign of roots. :)


also, someone asked, I run the ozone generator right above the tent at the exhaust. It is a light, right, so not inside. Do not get the corona model. bad.
Watching that vid was my inspiration.. I watched a series of 3 from Jorja on growing and took notes from both.. and then read out here and compared notes and formulated kind of a grow idea of my own to try, but even though I am putting my room together tomorrow, he was the reason I finally said "fuck it, I can learn how to do this I think...."
I love trying new hobbies! I have taken info from the greens grow set up.. using the drip for clones and the ebb system for the flower room, but I am also using Al B Fuct's system for Sog (I apologize if it's not "his" system, but it was his thread I read and fell for the idea) and getting a new harvest every 2 weeks... I would post a link if I could.. a very long... but very informative read may also make you think about how you may want to set up if it strikes your fancy.

Just my 2 cents:peace:
2009 Huh?? Well its 2022 now, just watched Mr Green and said I can do that... He was my inspiration to go down the rabbit hole..
I am making the leap straight to DWC. Took a year to get a single seed to get to my door. But now its on like donkey kong.. Yup,
I am that old. SO I spent a fortune on equipment of all kinds and hope this wasnt insane decision. I tried finding out who mr green
really is, the closest I came was J.D Green. -- Mr Cowell, hava nice day.. I wonder how your doing all these years later. PEACE
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