Grow Room Automation with Home Assistant


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd show you guys what I've been working on in my free time. Its a WIP but I'm happy with progress thus far. Previously I was able to remote control and monitor my lights, temperature, humidity and ventilation. It was kind of a pain though because I had to use different apps for each feature. Enter Home Assistant. Home Assistant (HASS/HASSio) is open source home automation software that is damn near infinitely customizable. It has official support for damn near every brand of smart device (and if it doesn't there is unofficial support). You can even flash your smart device with different firmware if you want/need to to make it work. It all runs on a Raspberry Pi 4. The learning curve is pretty steep and requires a little bit of what I would call programming-lite. You need to be comfortable using the command line and you'll need to familiarize yourself with something called YAML. I've always been great with computers but know fuck all about coding/programming. Its been a fun learning experience though!

Right now my main dashboard allows me to remotely switch humidity and lights but there is no need to do so because its all automated by the software. The humidifier and dehumidifier are both hooked up to smart plugs and turn on and off based on the readings from my Govee bluetooth/wifi thermometer and hygrometer from Amazon. The humidity and temp each have their own dashboard card which displays current conditions as well as a historical graph that changes colors based on a range I set on the backend. Using the readings from the Govee, I created a custom card that calculates VPD in real time. There are 2 gagues on the dashboard that I have set up to change color based on the ideal VPD range for the plant cycle (one for veg and one for flower). Red is bad, yellow is OK and green is perfect.

I've also set it up to send me notifications when VPD has been out of range for an extended period of time or if the lights have been on too long or out too long.

I've spent less than $100 on the whole set up including the Pi. I plan to eventually use this system to automate watering and add soil monitoring. The thermostat on my mini split does an excellent job of controlling temps with its built in thermostat but I will likely find a way to add control of it too, eventually.

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this is cool i saw you flash it using balena etcher is home assistant just a striped down linux distro for the raspberry pi?

any possibility of accessing the raspberry pi remotely from say an iphone for instance?
this is cool i saw you flash it using balena etcher is home assistant just a striped down linux distro for the raspberry pi?

any possibility of accessing the raspberry pi remotely from say an iphone for instance?
There are several ways to run it. I’m running the Home Assistant operating system which is built using buildroot and then deploys a docker container for the home assistant supervisor. Getting it up and running was as simple as flashing an SD using etcher. I can access the pi using SSH but it’s a super barebones Linux distro and I haven’t figured out what else you can do with it. I can access all of the home assistant stuff from my iPhone using their app (pictured below).

I’ve got another docker container running HomeBridge to control my house. I found homebridge to be more suitable for my home setup. To be honest I still don’t really understand docker, I just managed to get it to work by following directions. Before I had homebridge running on Raspbian which allowed me to do other shit with the Pi but With docker homebridge runs exactly the same.

You can install Home Assistant core in other Linux distros if you wanted to which allows you to use the pi for other shit.88D719C4-7483-46DA-ACD4-0A1D36D88A54.png
sweet i love linux ive been using linux distros for the past decade. honestly i think i would just run this on a cheapo laptop of some sort leave it plugged in and running all the time then on the same linux distribution i would setup some sort of remote desktop software with encryption to log in remotely and i would probably just login remotely from an iphone so i could fiddle and see how things are while im away.

i think you should make a separate thread somewhere that you explain in detail how you setup each pane in home assistant with some config files and examples. also with amazon links to all the things you would need to connect to the device running home assistant for each pane.
sweet i love linux ive been using linux distros for the past decade. honestly i think i would just run this on a cheapo laptop of some sort leave it plugged in and running all the time then on the same linux distribution i would setup some sort of remote desktop software with encryption to log in remotely and i would probably just login remotely from an iphone so i could fiddle and see how things are while im away.

i think you should make a separate thread somewhere that you explain in detail how you setup each pane in home assistant with some config files and examples. also with amazon links to all the things you would need to connect to the device running home assistant for each pane.
You don’t need Remote Desktop. It’s a built in feature of home assistant via there app that allows you to log in from anywhere
I have been working on the same thing myself. I have HA running on a NUC for my home but will be using a RPI4 for this as I do not want all the room controls in my homekit and the Echo's the kids have access to. That can be a costly event if they change settings by accident. Will be relying 100% on the HA app and dashboards. I have the PVD card setup also, Using tasmoto-ir on a nodemcu for Minisplit control (including reading the remote to update the dash if I use the remote), DHT22 for temp and humidity (going to double up on these incase one fails) a pwm to analog (0-10v) for control of my Lux645's and a standard dc-dc SSR to control the Quest 165 Dual. I'm ready to rip out my hydro-x and pop this in just need to design and print a case. One thing I would like to do (like yourself I'm no coder but yaml is easy enough) is give it my rages for PVD via a switch for plant stage and have it auto set and adjust the temp and hum to match my goal PVD. That part is giving me a problem. Might have to bring in Nodered as logic there is easier for me than lambada and or automation in HA.
You have any plans for feed? I have a few cap soil moisture sensors I want to add to the pots and base the feed pump running of those with one in the runoff tray to stop after runoff. Then obvioulsy auto dosing and mixing but baby steps.
I have been working on the same thing myself. I have HA running on a NUC for my home but will be using a RPI4 for this as I do not want all the room controls in my homekit and the Echo's the kids have access to. That can be a costly event if they change settings by accident. Will be relying 100% on the HA app and dashboards. I have the PVD card setup also, Using tasmoto-ir on a nodemcu for Minisplit control (including reading the remote to update the dash if I use the remote), DHT22 for temp and humidity (going to double up on these incase one fails) a pwm to analog (0-10v) for control of my Lux645's and a standard dc-dc SSR to control the Quest 165 Dual. I'm ready to rip out my hydro-x and pop this in just need to design and print a case. One thing I would like to do (like yourself I'm no coder but yaml is easy enough) is give it my rages for PVD via a switch for plant stage and have it auto set and adjust the temp and hum to match my goal PVD. That part is giving me a problem. Might have to bring in Nodered as logic there is easier for me than lambada and or automation in HA.
You have any plans for feed? I have a few cap soil moisture sensors I want to add to the pots and base the feed pump running of those with one in the runoff tray to stop after runoff. Then obvioulsy auto dosing and mixing but baby steps.

I haven’t had a chance to dive into node-red yet. The VPD target is super easy to change though so I don’t know if I’d personally go thru the trouble of setting up a switch for something I do once every few months since I only run one room so my target only changes once per cycle

I’ve got auto dosing and feeding all figured out in my head, I just need to build it and see if it works. Was gonna use aquarium pumps and timed switches with smart pH sensors for auto dosing and then just some sort of smart sprinkler system equipment to feed.

I had a nasty case of broadmites wipe out my room a few months ago and just got super discouraged and shut it all down for now. My room is still full of dead plants Funds were tight already with COVID decimating the industry I work in, so having no harvest to recoup my investment really put a damper on things. After almost burning my house down (plus actually burning down 1000s of others) and getting sued for it by the state, PG&E has raised everyone’s rates to pay for the damage. Couldn’t stomach those $500/mo utility bills.
Excellent! I'm a greenhouse grower so I don't need lights. I'll probably automate the watering by adding a line to the existing Rainbird system.
Figured I'd show you guys what I've been working on in my free time. Its a WIP but I'm happy with progress thus far. Previously I was able to remote control and monitor my lights, temperature, humidity and ventilation. It was kind of a pain though because I had to use different apps for each feature. Enter Home Assistant. Home Assistant (HASS/HASSio) is open source home automation software that is damn near infinitely customizable. It has official support for damn near every brand of smart device (and if it doesn't there is unofficial support). You can even flash your smart device with different firmware if you want/need to to make it work. It all runs on a Raspberry Pi 4. The learning curve is pretty steep and requires a little bit of what I would call programming-lite. You need to be comfortable using the command line and you'll need to familiarize yourself with something called YAML. I've always been great with computers but know fuck all about coding/programming. Its been a fun learning experience though!

Right now my main dashboard allows me to remotely switch humidity and lights but there is no need to do so because its all automated by the software. The humidifier and dehumidifier are both hooked up to smart plugs and turn on and off based on the readings from my Govee bluetooth/wifi thermometer and hygrometer from Amazon. The humidity and temp each have their own dashboard card which displays current conditions as well as a historical graph that changes colors based on a range I set on the backend. Using the readings from the Govee, I created a custom card that calculates VPD in real time. There are 2 gagues on the dashboard that I have set up to change color based on the ideal VPD range for the plant cycle (one for veg and one for flower). Red is bad, yellow is OK and green is perfect.

I've also set it up to send me notifications when VPD has been out of range for an extended period of time or if the lights have been on too long or out too long.

I've spent less than $100 on the whole set up including the Pi. I plan to eventually use this system to automate watering and add soil monitoring. The thermostat on my mini split does an excellent job of controlling temps with its built in thermostat but I will likely find a way to add control of it too, eventually.

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Nice to see another crazy one with automation :)
Luv your work!
Figured I'd show you guys what I've been working on in my free time. Its a WIP but I'm happy with progress thus far. Previously I was able to remote control and monitor my lights, temperature, humidity and ventilation. It was kind of a pain though because I had to use different apps for each feature. Enter Home Assistant. Home Assistant (HASS/HASSio) is open source home automation software that is damn near infinitely customizable. It has official support for damn near every brand of smart device (and if it doesn't there is unofficial support). You can even flash your smart device with different firmware if you want/need to to make it work. It all runs on a Raspberry Pi 4. The learning curve is pretty steep and requires a little bit of what I would call programming-lite. You need to be comfortable using the command line and you'll need to familiarize yourself with something called YAML. I've always been great with computers but know fuck all about coding/programming. Its been a fun learning experience though!

Right now my main dashboard allows me to remotely switch humidity and lights but there is no need to do so because its all automated by the software. The humidifier and dehumidifier are both hooked up to smart plugs and turn on and off based on the readings from my Govee bluetooth/wifi thermometer and hygrometer from Amazon. The humidity and temp each have their own dashboard card which displays current conditions as well as a historical graph that changes colors based on a range I set on the backend. Using the readings from the Govee, I created a custom card that calculates VPD in real time. There are 2 gagues on the dashboard that I have set up to change color based on the ideal VPD range for the plant cycle (one for veg and one for flower). Red is bad, yellow is OK and green is perfect.

I've also set it up to send me notifications when VPD has been out of range for an extended period of time or if the lights have been on too long or out too long.

I've spent less than $100 on the whole set up including the Pi. I plan to eventually use this system to automate watering and add soil monitoring. The thermostat on my mini split does an excellent job of controlling temps with its built in thermostat but I will likely find a way to add control of it too, eventually.

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Do you account for leaves temperature in your vpd calculation?
Do you account for leaves temperature in your vpd calculation?
As far as sensors that can do that (ir sensors) that could then send the data and incorporate for vpd calcs and stuff, I've personally only heard of one company or product that does that. It was mentioned in one of solventlessbakenvapes videos. He did a consult with a company dealing with this equipment.
As far as sensors that can do that (ir sensors) that could then send the data and incorporate for vpd calcs and stuff, I've personally only heard of one company or product that does that. It was mentioned in one of solventlessbakenvapes videos. He did a consult with a company dealing with this equipment.
No need to go that far. If you take measurements top/bottom/middle of the canopy, you should be able to average the leaves temp then adjust your formula into your HA :)
Do you guys have any issues with HA? It happens sometimes, switch doesn't respond, have to reboot the HA, like yesterday, one switch didn't turned off... PiTA! :(
A pi is just a mini bare-bones computer, alot of people dont realize you can save even more money just running home assistant off your home computer. I have home assistant setup on my computer using virtual box.
Well no matter how you automate you should always have fail safes and plan for the event of failure. Regardless of what operating system you use.