Grow room/closet 3 weeks in the making.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody I'm nearly finished with my grow room and just wanted some feedback and any criticism is welcome.

I got a 400 watt MH/HPS grow light with a bat wing reflector. A 4 bucket DWC setup with control tank. A hydrofarm 60 cfm blower and a 16" fan for circulation. I mounted all my electrical stuff to the ceiling to keep it out of the way. I'm not sure if I put the 16" fan in the right spot but there isn't to much room in this closet. I'll have a second blower for the intake blowing across the pots so I think it will be fine where it is.

I originally bought some mylar for the walls but trying to put that stuff up was a pain in the butt to do by yourself. I did put it up but it was just to noisy with the fans blowing on it. So I just decided to go with flat white paint instead. It took 2 coats and a whole gallon for a 3x3x8 closet.

I'm currently waiting on a second hydrofarm blower to arrive before I get going on my first grow because the temps are averaging between 85 - 90 deg without the intake. I'm afraid I will burn my plants up with those temps so I'll just wait a little longer until I get the blower so I know for sure that there wont be any heat problems. I got 4 thermometers in the room right now just to make sure I'm getting a proper reading plus deciding on which one to use.

I also got a HANNA GroCheck Combo pH & TDS Meter coming that sits in the control tank permanently to check pH and ppm.

I'm also going with GH nutes and I'll be using coco coir for my medium.

I put some weather strip on the bottom of the door because there was about an 1 1/2 gap between the door and the floor. I also put foam tape all around the inside door frame to totally seal it up. There use to be light leaks but not anymore.

I need an opinion on whether I should put my buckets a little closer together because there kind of close to the wall. If so I'll have to cut a few inches off the hose to do it and I've already cut about 4 inches off so far.

here are some pics.

So guys and gals tell me what you think, is it good enough to grow some buds or what?


Well-Known Member
looks nice man, nice and clean. Closets same size as most grow tents and a bit higher pretty sweet set up


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your comments Spencer. I've put a lot of thought, time and money into this into this setup. Now I just hope it all pays off.



I would think about either moving the buckets a little closer or doing some slight LST during the grow.
The plants right now would be really cramped on their sides facing the walls.
But if it's too hard to cut the tubing just do a little bit of LST towards the middle of the closet.
More space on the sides will help air circulation and you wont get bent leaves from growing against the wall.
LST does wonders for yield too, so I would consider it. I have a small space and I do it to increase my croppage.
Just my $.02. Good luck! :bigjoint:

Mr. G.P.

can that timer handle the inductive load of your ballast? I use a "little gray box" water heater timer. nice set up otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I would think about either moving the buckets a little closer or doing some slight LST during the grow.
The plants right now would be really cramped on their sides facing the walls.
But if it's too hard to cut the tubing just do a little bit of LST towards the middle of the closet.
More space on the sides will help air circulation and you wont get bent leaves from growing against the wall.
LST does wonders for yield too, so I would consider it. I have a small space and I do it to increase my croppage.
Just my $.02. Good luck! :bigjoint:
I think I will just cut another 4 inches off each hose and move them closer together. However I will consider LST when the time comes. Thanks for your comments

can that timer handle the inductive load of your ballast? I use a "little gray box" water heater timer. nice set up otherwise.
It's the timer that came with the light, sold to me from the company that put the package together. So I'm sure that it would be compatible. (Let's hope so). I've been wanting to buy a fire extinguisher to have on hand just to give me some peace of mind the thought of a fire has crossed my mind. Better to be safe than sorry, considering it is in my bedroom where I sleep at night. That would be a rude awaking.

Thanks for the comment though.


Well-Known Member
I cut about 5" off the hoses to the control tank today. I think it's better than what it was. I fired it up today to check for leaks. I'm glad I did that because the elbow to the water gauge had a small leak. :cry: Thanks goodness I had different elbow, the one I had on it had 2 ribs I changed with one that had 3 ribs. So far so good no more leaks. :smile:

My pH/ppm meter and blower should be here on Monday. I can't wait to wrap this room up and get started, only 5 more days

Anybody got any idea's on a proper siphon to empty your reservoir? I was looking for some online today and seen a few but I don't want to buy a piece of junk. I wish I had one today. I was getting worried that I was gonna burn up my pump. So towards the end I just used a solo cup to remove the rest of the water so I could work on my leak.


Indoor Don

Active Member
Awesome setup man, i'm gonna be following this grow for sure, i hear you about the fire worries, i keep a battery powered smoke detector in the grow room at all times. I like how you have an army of thermometers, you will def know the temp. yea 87 is abit high, best off waiting till you can get it to 75-80 with your intake. Anyway man i'll be watching, and feel free to check out my grow, link is in the sig, i used to have many heat problems untill i invested the cash on two vortexs