grow room construction

Im going to be hanging (2) 600 watt hps in a sectioned off area in a room I have...

What are the best ways to do a trellis?

last night I went into my room and my plants were tipped over, I think they are too top heavy.. Im currently on my last week of flower, flushing....

I had to jerry rig up some fishing line to hold them time I know..

haha.. this is also my first yield ever.

im a newb.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I have srews in the wall i tie them too mine are in a small closet

But you can tie tall plastic rods to the legs of your table creating like 4 poles one on each corner of your table sticking up and tie them to that


Well-Known Member
next time you grow use a good oscilating fan to be synthetic wind. durring veg stage make sure you have a good breez going not so stong that you blow plants over bt enough that they are moving alot. this will thicken stems and branches so they can support the wieght. i grow 5ft plants i have 2 fans, 1 low 1 up high blowing on colas. i dont need to support my plants. i know this is true because i had the same problem you had until i turned my fan up to a higher speed. and changed direction of wind so your plants dont develope a lean. lower fan speed on the highest fan as your buds grow because the bigger they get the more drag the create so the fan will blow them over if not carefull. i have also noticed the thicker me main stem is the bigger the colas get


Well-Known Member
smokeslikebob has good idea but your plants will rely on them and you will have skinny stems = smaller colas


Well-Known Member
smokeslikebob has good idea but your plants will rely on them and you will have skinny stems = smaller colas
Well, with proper air flow, like you said, the plants probably won't even need them...but the tomato cages don't only help to hold up colas, they also help to keep the plants to themselves and helps utilize limited space to it's full potential...



Well-Known Member
true bob very true . rememer when you plants start to tip they are no longer as close to light and you can only lower light if all the plantsare all tipping so doing both will make you a pro