~ Grow Room Fine Tuning (diagram)~


Well-Known Member
Ok i'm thinking of doing something like this in the next few days, what do you think? Any final thoughts, fine tuning suggestions?

Exhaust hole is through a 4in hole in the ceiling and so i'm going to run 4in ducting.. ::crosses fingers::

i'm doing this DIY scrubber 8" outer, 6" inner, 12" tall, packed with carbon pellets, and a 6"-4" reducer on top. umm.. the closet will be all lined with mylar.. wish i could find some y adaptors only see t's..

speaking of mylar, someone told me you can put zippers on your mylar how!??

check out my journal if u need more details, 2 pages, i just updated the last post


Well-Known Member
Well if i was you, for the light i would run a tube from the outside of the room to bring fresh air then i would exit the other end directly outside the room. As for the scrubber i would use another fan on it.


Well-Known Member
Well if i was you, for the light i would run a tube from the outside of the room to bring fresh air then i would exit the other end directly outside the room. As for the scrubber i would use another fan on it.
only one exhaust hole though..

will this work?


Well-Known Member
Maybe i'll go with a T duck on the ceiling instead of Y so the carbon filter will be more inline..

throw an inline fan somewhere in there as well, whatcha think?


Well-Known Member
Like this:

Filter -> Hood -> Duct -> Fan

Leave the intake hole open as a passive intake.

Or, as Xan2 said, get a 2nd fan and isolate the light ducting from the room.
This has the benefit of allowing your light to be cooled while running and the room to be cooled on a thermostat or controller.


Well-Known Member
Nope, pull the air through the hood. For a light trap, you can use a filter like and odorsok or make a box design(I think there's a DIY on here) or ducting with a couple 90's.


Well-Known Member
arg! i don't know what to do!!?!!?!!

seems like i would loose alot of static pressure doing it that way! (filter>light>fan) it's a hood w/glass not a cooltube, so i'd need to seal it good..

dunno what u mean about box design filter/odorsok, what's a light trap?

90* ducting where?


Well-Known Member
The thermodynamics of pulling air across a bulb vs. pushing are in the favor of the first.

A light trap - yeah you guessed it 'traps light'. Light won't bounce around for ever. If you make it round corners, it gives up before it makes it. I'll let you take it from there...


Well-Known Member
Wanna do it right? Pull air from outside the room,(down low if you can), up through the light and exhaust outside room. If the lights are sealed, and metal duct tape is used on all joints, no need for scrubber on that vent. put a scrubber in the room. Scrubber,fan, exhaust in the room. What are you gonna use for cooling? If A/C, you RH levels should be good. A/C will lower RH. What grow sys are you using? soil or hydro? If hydro, how you gonna cool ur res? Chiller? What size is the closet? Can you go with 2-3 400w? lot cheaper per light, or a 1kw Going with 1 turn @ a time?...Veg then flower?What are you gonna grow? I like panda film, it seals up the room. make sure your electric is right. Is this in a house,or an apt? Do you have access above ? If you do you can split a duct into the closet.


Well-Known Member

Well the venting took quite a bit longer than i expected.. but after two days and several late night trips to the HD, venting is done.. for now..

the little one was transplanted a lot later than the others.

I'm in the process of sealing up the closet now, just taking my temps!

I decided to blow through the light because i couldn't fit the fan inbetween floors. I did however add a 6" inline duct fan on the other side of the light, so it's blowing and pulling through the light.

They got their first taste of 12 hours dark last night, and FINALLY i'm flowering!!

I highly recommend noobs, like myself, get things like this worked out ahead of time! Could have been flowering for weeks..

and now i'm broke as a joke with no gaunja to smoke :cuss: