Well-Known Member
Ok i'm thinking of doing something like this in the next few days, what do you think? Any final thoughts, fine tuning suggestions?
Exhaust hole is through a 4in hole in the ceiling and so i'm going to run 4in ducting.. ::crosses fingers::
i'm doing this DIY scrubber 8" outer, 6" inner, 12" tall, packed with carbon pellets, and a 6"-4" reducer on top. umm.. the closet will be all lined with mylar.. wish i could find some y adaptors only see t's..
speaking of mylar, someone told me you can put zippers on your mylar how!??
check out my journal if u need more details, 2 pages, i just updated the last post
Exhaust hole is through a 4in hole in the ceiling and so i'm going to run 4in ducting.. ::crosses fingers::
i'm doing this DIY scrubber 8" outer, 6" inner, 12" tall, packed with carbon pellets, and a 6"-4" reducer on top. umm.. the closet will be all lined with mylar.. wish i could find some y adaptors only see t's..
speaking of mylar, someone told me you can put zippers on your mylar how!??
check out my journal if u need more details, 2 pages, i just updated the last post