Grow room has carpet. Help

And treat the fuck outta the carpet/room first... dont create a bug home under ur new floor....
Pond liner is what I use. It's a lot tougher than poly. Pinholes in the poly can cause you to destroy your carpet and your sub floor...been there done that. For a room that size a liner will probably cost around $150.00 but well worth it We installed a 2 x4 frame around the perimeter of the room and attached the liner to it. That way you don't have to take a chance on damaging the baseboard.
Epdm rubber. also run some 2x4s under neath so it can breath a little otherwise condensation may form under it and then you got all kinds of problems.
Wear a dust mask, close room off to house, open windows and put a fan in if you can. Then cover the rug in heavy dusting of diatomaceous earth, cover that with 6 mil poly, run it at least 12" up all walls, double tape any joints to seal as well as possible. Put down some underlayment to protect the poly, then lay plywood. Vinyl flooring, industrial rubber baseboard, caulk to seal it up to the poly, then trim excess poly if you want. Only thing you'd really have you worry about is trapped moisture, so make sure the grow room floor is well sealed.

Framing a sub floor isn't a bad idea, could incorporate some airflow under it to control moisture. Just lay plywood first or the carpet will get ruined with impressions of the framing, wouldn't have been worth saving at that point.