Grow room mistakes you can laugh about


Well-Known Member
Might as well laugh at myself. So im in veg room lst'ng my plants I get 10 out of 20 done and look down. In my stoned state I removed strain name placards from all 10 plants.

Let me hear your funny screw ups!
Transplant my last pop but forgot to write their name on the pot so now I don't which are female or regular would not be a problem if I didn't wanted to pop some female to put them early in flower while letting the regular show their sex... :clap::wall:


Well-Known Member
Took cuts from outdoor and brought em inside. Hello thrips. Rookie!

And eventually got wear n tear on my tent that caused the zipper to create a light leak and I almost blamed the beans. Again, my bad!

Experience is KEY!
Done it with outdoor plant and hello mother fucking spidermite


Active Member
I can laugh at myself for calculating cubic feet as 7.5 gallons where It should have been 6.4 for dry gallons....did that for like a year

I did one greenhouse strain a long time ago it was arjans haze 3 and it sucked. The kind of weed you just toss in the dumpster at some apartment complex at 1 am haha


Well-Known Member
Lol, the most fucked up thing i have ever done was accidentally bumped into my stove while moving this dusty ass male that i was pollen chucking from, It fell right out my hand 5ft on the kitchen floor right out the pot... This was back when i had no grow room filters on my intakes and ended up pollinating the entire grow from top to bottom, Not a single virgin flower! I also didn't wipe down anything during the next run and polinated that too because i didnt think pollen could be viable longer then a month lol but it turns out pollen can last a long time in dry areas such as ventilation tubes ect


Well-Known Member
mixing up clones. forgetting to take clones. Biggest mistake i see people make is buying cheap tools. Spend $150 on a pack of seeds, then buy a $20 ph meter. Should be the other way around,and you will get the most out of your money.......but this is more for hydro setups.


Well-Known Member
This year I was stoned off my ass and transplanted a clone back into the same size container I took it out of .....then out retying my plants stoned one time with some garden wire and I was cutting the old wire from the plants to retie them how I wanted ......anyways I ended up cutting one of my plants top shoots completely off trying to reach up over my head and cut the wire with shears so I could reach .......I use the ladder now .......I was laughing and pissed at the same time .......the other issue I have when I garden stoned is il come up with great ideas that I come out the next day and go WTF!!! Was I thinking .....last but not least can't tell you how many times I've wasted nutrients in big ass tanks second guessing myself not being able to remember if I already added a certain nute to the tank so il just dump it ..........I don't get stoned and garden anymore