Grow Room Pesticide Contamination, Need Fix


Well-Known Member
Good Evening,

I have a grow room that has been contaminated by bifenthrin. My four week old vegetating plants were not sprayed but a family member disinfected the room with a pesticide containing this ingredient and then put the plants back in after an hour. They were in the room for six hours before I found out. The led lights,exhaust fan and filter, plus oscillating fan were on. After doing some research I am concerned that my coco and possibly the cannabis may be contaminated. Is there anything I can do to save my plants from being unhealthy to smoke? Thank you for your help, I've been pretty stressed and pissed by the incident.


Well-Known Member
Just veg em another 4 weeks if yku want to be sure they grew out of any contam. Generally even the worst stuff out there can only travel so far


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the other day, if you treated a small new clone with a systemic poison, would this still be an issue 3 months later when you harvest?


Well-Known Member
This was ortho home defense, and yes someone thought they were "doing me a favor" while I was away. The wife called to tell me and was kind enough to move them into another room. I'd veg 4 more weeks but can't wait that long, we need to move and 8/8 is the date so it's pushing it as it is. I grow organic which makes this even more maddening, they were looking quite healthy, still do actually.


ImI sure we have all smoked worse over the years and never even knew it..Not to mention the old days with bricks of pressed mexi...I'd charge on... If you ask me.. I am more than satisfied to smoke untested week. Hell I even smoke distillate that has failed testing..The laws are so strict on this stuff.. Id like to see the test results for a bag of tomatoes at the grocery store


I think you should grow it out and send it to me for safe disposal.

P.S. I'm just gonna smoke it.
Im always needing more smoke to roll my 50/50s with..I will replace this nasty Tobacco habit one day.. Got to be way less residual chems in your herb than a pack of coffin nails..


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the other day, if you treated a small new clone with a systemic poison, would this still be an issue 3 months later when you harvest?
Depends on the half life of the poison. They pretty much all break down over time and the info is easy to find on the 'web. Plus, whatever toxin that's left in the clone is going to be diluted by however much more plant material grows before the harvest.

Think of the old adage, 'The solution to pollution is dilution!' :)



Well-Known Member
Im always needing more smoke to roll my 50/50s with..I will replace this nasty Tobacco habit one day.. Got to be way less residual chems in your herb than a pack of coffin nails..
This is true, but I have health issues most would not want to contend with. Weed makes things manageable, believe it or not. Just don't want to get sicker, maybe I worry too much. Likely my wife worries too much for me and it's rubbing off.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the half life of the poison. They pretty much all break down over time and the info is easy to find on the 'web. Plus, whatever toxin that's left in the clone is going to be diluted by however much more plant material grows before the harvest.

Think of the old adage, 'The solution to pollution is dilution!' :)

From my understanding this chemical has a 1/2 life of anywhere between 7 days and 7 months. And it can be passed down. Commercial growers have been criticized recently for using bifenthrin to sterilize their grow rooms in between grows, as it's been picked up in the finished product. But there are acceptable levels which allowed by Oregon/Washington. Still not ideal but better then tossing it out. I wonder if it matters weather it's smoked, vaped, or made into butter?


Well-Known Member
This is a reply from the National Pesticide Information Center to an email I sent:

"Thank you for your email. As you might imagine, the potential risk from any pesticide is complex and situation specific. We would be happy to talk with you about that over the phone. At your convenience, please call us at 800-858-7378, Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00am to 12:00pm Pacific Time to speak directly to a Pesticide Specialist.

Once a product has been given a chance to dry, it significantly decreases the risk to people and plants (like your cannabis) that may be in the area. Because the plants were not in the area at the time, the chances that the product may be on the plants would be reduced. Without knowing that it was dry in the area before the plants were returned, it would be difficult to determine if any kind of damage may have occurred. Despite this, bifenthrin is considered to be non-toxic to plants, and is not expected to be absorbed or moved throughout a plant.

If possible, please consider having the EPA registration number or active ingredient(s) available for the Pesticide Specialist when you call. This information is located on the label and can be obtained from the pest control company."


Well-Known Member
From my understanding this chemical has a 1/2 life of anywhere between 7 days and 7 months. And it can be passed down. Commercial growers have been criticized recently for using bifenthrin to sterilize their grow rooms in between grows, as it's been picked up in the finished product. But there are acceptable levels which allowed by Oregon/Washington. Still not ideal but better then tossing it out. I wonder if it matters weather it's smoked, vaped, or made into butter?
That's the problem with Canada's regulations pertaining to legal pot. They have a list of 'approved' pesticides and fungicides for use on pot as they are GRAS, (Generally Regarded As Safe), but that's for food crops and not proven safe for things to be combusted and inhaled. We'll know for sure in a couple of decades after results from all us labrats come in. :D

I still really doubt you have much to worry about as the stuff wasn't actually sprayed on the plants and was likely all dry before the plants went back into the room.

I grok where you're coming from tho. We live on an acreage and the a-hole farmer that works the fields surrounding us sprays his crap on his GMO crops without consideration of wind direction and blankets our 7.5 acres with overspray often. Not even a warning call so we can seal up the chickens, cover the veggie garden and close our windows. 16 years of this BS but he's getting payback this fall. Going to visit some of his fields away from here and stick foot long pieces of 1/2" rebar in various places in a few fields. He's a type A kind of guy and having to stop and repair his cutting bar on the harvester a few times ought to make him crazy and maybe stroke out. (evil wink) :) He's considered a real prick in the small town closest to us but a rich farmer so the local businesses tolerate him. Has a mail-order bride and 3 young kids that follow 10' behind when you see them in town and he's my age around 60 something. Some people.



Well-Known Member
Bifenthrin is some nasty stuff. It's extremely bad for the environment and very harmful to beneficial insects. It also builds up in the sediment of creeks and rivers and is toxic to aquatic life. I don't spray poison in or around my house. I can understand your concern but I'd be more concerned about breathing in any residual Bifenthrin while in the room than any contamination to your plants.

It's in mega wash. A product made to spray on cannabis. I would rather smoke mites. They call it "The “ORIGINAL” Frequency Altered Water." but it contains poison that's not listed on the label. Just another scam from the cannabis nutrient industry.

Pesticide Advisory Alert – Green Planet Nutrients Mega Wash contains pyrethrins
June 14, 2016 The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) has reason to believe the product, Mega Wash, manufactured by Freq Water, Inc. for H.I.T. Manufacturing, contains a pesticide active ingredient not listed on the label. ODA has tested Mega Wash and found it to contain the active ingredient pyrethrins. Use of Mega Wash could cause cannabis to fail Oregon Health Authority (OHA) pesticide testing requirements. Growers of all crops and retailers are advised to discontinue using or selling Mega Wash until further notice. For additional information or questions, please contact ODA at (503) 986-4635 or email

Bifenthrin is a pyrethroidinsecticide used primarily against the red imported fire ant by influencing its nervous system. It has a high toxicity to aquatic organisms. Although it is listed as a restricted use chemical in the United States, it is allowed to be sold for daily use, provided the product sold has a low concentration of bifenthrin. The chemical was discovered and developed by FMC Corporation. Products containing bifenthrin include Transport, Talstar, Maxxthor, Capture, Brigade, Bifenthrine, Ortho Home Defense Max, Bifen XTS, Bifen IT, Bifen L/P, Torant, Zipak, Scotts LawnPro Step 3, Wisdom TC Flowable, FMC 54800, Allectus, Ortho Max Pro and OMS3024 and mega wash from green planet.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if it matters weather it's smoked, vaped, or made into butter?
Missed that part.

Again I doubt there's anything to worry about for the minute traces your plants may or may not have picked up. I have a batch of CBD cocobudder cooking right now. Just dialed up the heat to decarb after 16 hours of steeping at 100C then cool to 80 and add my liquid sunflower lecithin, keep at that temp for a few more hours, stain into a small mason jar and refrigerate twice. Start another batch of different CBD pot right away. Have 3 strains to evaluate from my last crop.

Likely my wife worries too much for me and it's rubbing off.
Wish my wife would do some rubbing off on me! Ever since menopause a few years ago I have to do my own rubbing off. perv.gif



Well-Known Member
That's the problem with Canada's regulations pertaining to legal pot. They have a list of 'approved' pesticides and fungicides for use on pot as they are GRAS, (Generally Regarded As Safe), but that's for food crops and not proven safe for things to be combusted and inhaled. We'll know for sure in a couple of decades after results from all us labrats come in. :D

I still really doubt you have much to worry about as the stuff wasn't actually sprayed on the plants and was likely all dry before the plants went back into the room.

I grok where you're coming from tho. We live on an acreage and the a-hole farmer that works the fields surrounding us sprays his crap on his GMO crops without consideration of wind direction and blankets our 7.5 acres with overspray often. Not even a warning call so we can seal up the chickens, cover the veggie garden and close our windows. 16 years of this BS but he's getting payback this fall. Going to visit some of his fields away from here and stick foot long pieces of 1/2" rebar in various places in a few fields. He's a type A kind of guy and having to stop and repair his cutting bar on the harvester a few times ought to make him crazy and maybe stroke out. (evil wink) :) He's considered a real prick in the small town closest to us but a rich farmer so the local businesses tolerate him. Has a mail-order bride and 3 young kids that follow 10' behind when you see them in town and he's my age around 60 something. Some people.

My state borders Canada, the Yukon. We really like Canada a lot and are so happy to see they are so forward thinking with their Cannabis laws. But you are right, all these new regulation pertaining to weed are sort of food based and it'll be awhile before folk know what is what. Sorry to hear about your neighbor, that would piss me off too. Looking into my situation has given me a lot of information about pesticides in general. I had no idea how much they're used so much on the food we buy, not to the extent I know now anyway. Sort of scary. My daughter is huge on the dangers of GMOs, hates Monsanto, which buy the way has invested heavily in the cannabis industry. I think I will keep this little incident concerning my "4" plants to myself. If she found out and knew I'm continuing the grow, she'd disown me :-)


Depends on the half life of the poison. They pretty much all break down over time and the info is easy to find on the 'web. Plus, whatever toxin that's left in the clone is going to be diluted by however much more plant material grows before the harvest.

Think of the old adage, 'The solution to pollution is dilution!' :)

Word.. Testify!!! I always error on the dilute myself..Hell I start half strength even with a new brand of nutes.. Better to starve em then to roast them any day...But I'm sure half the clones out there are fricken basted in Petro chemicals..Id I much rather that then introduce some damn plague. Into my grow..I literally isolate any new genetics I bring in..At least for a few days..Eso Especially if it's if dubious origin.