Grow Room Reduces Depression

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
I've been married for over 30 years, and my wife knows that I deal with depression in the Winter time. I live where its cold and dark in the Winter, and we can get quite of bit of snow. We get stuck inside a lot, and cabin fever is a very real thing in these parts.

This is my second year of growing, and my wife said that she noticed I've been virtually "Depression" free since tending to my indoor garden.

I know that taking care of Live "Things" can help with depression, and I feel this definitely is part of that, but the LIGHT!! Yeah, that sunlight in my grow room!! No question, I have no doubt that the light I receive every day has curbed and has even come close to CURING my Winter Depression!!


Well-Known Member
Sure man. Light is good vitamin D. Gardening is good too because it keeps your mind focused on the tasks and gives you a reason to get up everyday.

Or... you can move to Texas. I mowed the lawn yesterday and running the A/C today. Think we hit 80 degrees.


Active Member
This is called seasonal affective disorder. The lack of sunlight you get in winter can cause this. One thing you can do to treat it is sit in front of a bright light for a short time every day, which explains why the grow room helps your depression. A light like this one is made specifically for this purpose. It's supposed to help with this condition. I know my dad got that exact light and he says it works.


Active Member
if you can't grow with the s.a.d. lamp then guitarman has it one upped already I think, gardening your own meds is great therapy and if that doesn't quite do it, you have the meds themselves, bubblegummer pheno I have definitely makes my depression go away temporarily, not all buds work this way but bubblegummer makes me smile man ;)
Also just looking at my awesome purps outside all thru the holidays kept me in a better mood, not to mention my drinking is down to almost nothing now which helps I now know, the only thing is garden failures can be rough but no pain no gain right, take it easy guitarman
p.s. no medicinal value schedule 1 is a criminal lie

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Sure man. Light is good vitamin D. Gardening is good too because it keeps your mind focused on the tasks and gives you a reason to get up everyday.

Or... you can move to Texas. I mowed the lawn yesterday and running the A/C today. Think we hit 80 degrees.
You guys "Down There" always like to rub it in!!! To be honest, I do like the 4 Seasons. The Tourists go home, the yard work takes a break, and Spring is a welcome surprise!! Also, ALL THE FUCKING BUGS DIE!! This helps keep my grow room free of the little bastards that try to sneak inside!


Well-Known Member
Ahhh I get that seasonal depression too man. I try to hit up a couple vacations in winter months, but seeing my lady's everyday and tending to them is like therapy :weed:

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
if you can't grow with the s.a.d. lamp then guitarman has it one upped already I think, gardening your own meds is great therapy and if that doesn't quite do it, you have the meds themselves, bubblegummer pheno I have definitely makes my depression go away temporarily, not all buds work this way but bubblegummer makes me smile man ;)
Also just looking at my awesome purps outside all thru the holidays kept me in a better mood, not to mention my drinking is down to almost nothing now which helps I now know, the only thing is garden failures can be rough but no pain no gain right, take it easy guitarman
p.s. no medicinal value schedule 1 is a criminal lie
My wife figured out the blessing of my lights, so she decided to sit in front of the closet for a dose of sun. She couldn't believe how much better she felt!! I kept telling her it worked!

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Ahhh I get that seasonal depression too man. I try to hit up a couple vacations in winter months, but seeing my lady's everyday and tending to them is like therapy :weed:

What's interesting, I had no idea this blessing was waiting for me while growing MMJ. I needed the medicine and that was enough of a benefit for me, but the added bonus of helping me deal with winter depression was a surprise!


Well-Known Member
Eddie Albert (USMC veteran - South Pacific WWII - and star of that silly ass show "Green Acres"): "[In 1975]: People don't know how good vegetables taste, until they grow their own, and it's also very comforting to know you can still provide for yourself in this day and age."

Eddie had his entire Beverly Hills grounds covered with organic gardens. He said he had never paid a therapist a nickel and suggested those with problems try working with plants and soil for awhile. This suggestion was made by him during one of many Beverly Hills city council meetings where he was summoned to explain his "ugly" gardens in his yards.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I first started growing in January a few years back just to see something green and growing in the long winter.
After i feed my dogs in the evening I go to check the rooms.
It feels great to sit there 5 minutes in the warm 78 degrees and nice bright cfl's.
I find growing extremely theraputic. It's gardening at the end of the day, the DEA r just getting a little over excited. But if everyone smoked and grew there would be peace and love. We wouldn't want that now or we might all get on ! And realise we don't need to be governed by greedy fools.


Well-Known Member
the only thing about the hps is that i feel like its giving me cancer!! i mean i have the glasses they sell that let you see normal colors and potecty your eyes from harmful rays i guess and every time i take them off and see the light it like.... damn im just chillin under that all day?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
The act of gardening itself is good medicine, but the exposure to light, especially in colder climates is a proven method to deal with different types of depression but mostly bi-polar. I have read that just 15 minutes of bright light exposure, especially in the mornings or when you actually wake, can alone treat most bi-polar disorders. It is especially effective when someone keeps their mind and/or body busy, and gardening counts.
I am also deep in the snow, near mountains and in a giant forest in a very rural area. Even though I absolutely love the isolation in all seasons where I am, I can at times get depressed, and even sometimes have slight panics attacks(a type of agoraphobia) and I use my gardening as medicine. It's rare for me but depression and certain types of phobias and/or panic attacks can happen to anyone at any point in life.
So in your case gardening not only helps you but those around you as well.
I think growing, guns and online porn have helped me cope greatly. ;-)

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
the only thing about the hps is that i feel like its giving me cancer!! i mean i have the glasses they sell that let you see normal colors and potecty your eyes from harmful rays i guess and every time i take them off and see the light it like.... damn im just chillin under that all day?
My plants are in a closet, so I don't get blasted like some grow areas. I'm also careful while I'm looking at my plants, only spending a minute or two in the direct light, and I do wear polarized "clip-ons" that hook to my reading specs (I just leave them pointing up, and they act like a shade). I'll move down and underneath the canopy, where the leaves block much of the light, looking for any changes in plant health or while I'm watering the girls. Then I'll back away, leaving the door open, and just the light from that is enough to make my day a good one.

I imagine you have to be really careful in larger gardens, where a lot of work has to be done under the strong lighting. I would wear a hat in that situation.


Well-Known Member
I have struggled with depression and anxiety for the last 8 months. Very much related to stress.
Told my therapist that I smoke and grow in my basement. Told her I spend a lot of time in there working/hanging out.
She thought it was an awesome activity to do. Told me I had to work very hard to not allow things that are stressing me out come into the room with me.

Its very theraputic. Especially when the girls are doing well and growing nicely.
Sometimes though, the daily work of my room can just add to my stress.