Grow Room Remodeling: Heat Issues


I've been using this plastic storage cabinet thats in my garage to grow for the past year.

during the as winter the temps stayed at a perfect level, 60 - 75. but now that it is summer (probably one of the hottest) my temps have been ridiculously high 85-100.

It looks like its been affecting the plants, the top of this bud is really skinny and stretched out.

other lower buds dont look too bad

i realize that my grow room should be air tight in order to maintain temps, and also some ventilation wouldnt hurt.

right now i have a 4.5 inch intake at the bottom

and a really ghetto cool tube

So any suggestion on how to make the cabinet cooler would be appreciated.
im open to a whole new set up design.

thanks you


Well-Known Member
Your set up looks good.

Is in your garage right? If it is your only going to get it to the ambient air temp no matter how much air you move.

Mama nature makes it hot on all out door plants, theyll be ok if the temps arent optimal.

Buy a mini ac or swamp cooler from a garage sale of something?
Run your dark cycle during the hottest parts of the day (10 am- 10pm)?


Well-Known Member
Nice setup...I do understand your frustrations on the heat issue, but nothing you can really do in the garage. Maybe try pulling air from one of your A/C ducts as a Intake or move the GB inside the house if possible during the summer months.


Well-Known Member
I would start by getting more air moving through there................PC fans simply arent enough for anything worth doing.....


i agree about moving more air. These little fans are 112cfm so maybe if i get another one and put on top as exhaust, it will prob make a big difference.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, no matter how many fans you put into your GB. If the ambient temps are to high in your garage, you will still have the same issue. Unfortunately you're just moving more hot air through your GB and you need some cool air to bring your temps down. good luck. 1