Grow Room Setup


of course it helps it works, the ducting goes through the wall to another room or where ever View attachment 1438248
I understand you can duct the AC but what i'm getting at is i have 1 10x12 room with a piece of panda film diving it the door to the room must stay shut most of the time. I could potentially duct the exhausted air from the lights out into the attic through a hole i would have to make. However were do i get fresh air......? Is it not needed will the room just find it on its own?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
the a/c makes its own air, duct the a/c through the attic as well. some of the best grow rooms ( SEALED ) rely on co2 and air conditioning to get ambient atmospheres only


yes that would work for sure. alot of people vent room through carbon filter, through lights, then out the room.
Mongo is correct and yes most rooms are not airtight it will pull air through cracks and spaces if the room is attatched to the house it will also eliminate odors in the house by creating a negative pressure keeping odors isolated to just the growroom.


Active Member
Its more important that you have warm air getting removed from the room, than that you have fresh air comming in...

dont dump the warm air from your lights back in your room

I would try to have a passive intake to another room in the house if you can, not from the freezing cold outside air... otherwise just vent out to your attic with no intake. You will create a negative air pressure in the room so that air is sucked in thru any little cracks and gaps


u cant create neg pressure from just venting your lights.
If you are venting out of the room you can With a suitable extraction fan. Its the same as say, getting a two liter bottle poke a few small small holes in the side and suck through the spout. The sides will bend in. That is negative pressure and is pulling air through every possible crack and space. In a two car garage it is just on a larger scale.


I ended up removing the light fixture and making the opening bigger with a 6 inch whole saw and ducting it into the attic. I'm transplanting clones now put into veg sense i was able to move everything into flower room, i let it run a few hours without plants and the highest temp it hit was 80 so i think im going to be fine the humidity also dropped down from near 85%-90% down to abour 45% so its much much nicer in their now. Ill have some pics up soon in a new thread with everything going on.