Grow Room Temperature Help!!! *PICS*


Active Member
Okay so attatched are some pictures of my setup. The room I'm growing in is basically a little cubby hole that's about 3'x2'x10'. I've got a 400W MH light about 2 feet above my GH Rainforest 66. There's no way for air to get in or out but I do have two very big fans going.

The problem is that the room is at about 93-95 degrees. I have no idea how to cool the room since theres no way to bring air in from outside or get air out. I know my thermometer says its 93-95 but is this truly accurate since it doesn't factor in wind chill? Do the fans help at all?

I was thinking about getting a compact air conditioner in there but I have no idea how that would work and I have yet to find one that might work.

the one idea i do have is could i get a little fridge and leave it in there cracked open? or would that just break the fridge? ahhh!

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks



Well-Known Member
A bathroom fan in the ceiling would sure help. Any way you can get that ballast out of there? I'm sure it gets pretty hot. Mine does.


Well-Known Member
u can get a shower fan then wire it to a 3 pin plug so it fits a standard plug socket then jus cut a hole to shape and put it there the difference it makes is suprising mate


Well-Known Member
your fan is a good size just get the ballast away from the plants, i would also recommend doing a SCROG for a sea of green


Active Member
I was thinking i'd leave it and just hope the fans cool it enough but the ballast is a whole nother issue. it gets extremely hot even with the huge fan I have blowing on you think a portable air conditioning unit would be a good idea?i'm thinking I could put it where the ballast is now and then hang the ballast so the ac cools the ballast and the room.the only problem is an ac unit that's compact enough is around 300 bucks. I guess it'll be worth it thought :-/


Active Member
you wanna get your self some computer fans and wire them to a 12 volt dc phone charger or any old 12 volt dc plug and two for the out take at the top of your grow box two for the intake the bottom a very cheap way of get hot air out and cold air in!!!!!! about 15 pounds!!!

mr green thumbs

Active Member
Are you on the ground floor, and is the floor wood, because if it is then you can use a spade bit to punch a hole and the put a bathroom fan there to pull outside air in. If you do this make the hole in between the studs.


Well-Known Member
i would get a inline duct fan and cut a whole in that drywall, and bring fresh cool air in from the room next to it, you can also exhaust the hot air out the top of the room the same way


Active Member
those are all good ideas except I can't cut holes in any of the walls because i'm trying to keep my little grow a secret and if I cut a hole in the roof for ventilation the attic is above me which is well above 100 degrees. I guess my only solution is to get a conpact a/c unit...


Well-Known Member
what i did with my HPS ballast is just get a heavy duty power cord from Home Depot, cut the cords on the ballast to lengthen and just spliced it so i could get it outta my growspace. they definitely do produce quite a bit of heat


Well-Known Member
an ac will not cool the room unless you vent the exhaust from the unit. i think you either have to add ventilation or try a ghetto cooling setup with frozen water bottles or dry ice


Well-Known Member
that should help somewhat but is not going to be enough, i guess you could run a co2 setup then you could run higher temps
blowing a fan on the ballast only spreads the heat out evenly over your entire room.....not recommended.....the ballast's I have looked into buying always say dont blow a fan directly on the ballast......just thought it would help....and if you van, get that sucker out of your grow room, maybe at least above your lights and plants were its already hot...who knows...good luck


Well-Known Member
well....i have had the exact same problem and it will defitnly mess your grow up if you dont fix it. However it is very fixable. If you leave a frige open it actually makes he room hotter. thats hard to wrap your head around but its true. I bought a ac unit from wall mart for 40 bucks. It was small but very good. it even had a digital reader i could look at from another room. If you cant get the balast out. Put it as high up in the room as you can and dont put a fan behind the balast your just blowing the hot air around that other wise would rise to the celling. Fans are said to have made temps 4 degrees lower. if you could get an exaust fan to the roof that would be great but i didnt get one and i still came out good.

Ram Baba

Active Member
i have the same problem for my closet grow. i have venting, and even got a 8000 room btu, and now im having amp overload problems. lol. well. another option for you would be to wait till october, and start the grow when its cool.,
Oh BTW, it won't be secret for long. trust me. and the others, they know !!

luckily, my parents are kinda cool. :0


Well-Known Member
ok there a thread on here that show how to make a mini cooler.. for cheap..foam,lil fan,ice and water that mite help if u seal the room good....good luck and peace