Grow Room Temperature Help!!! *PICS*


Active Member
its not going to be secret once they start smelling
that is why my room smells like axe 24/7... everyday that shit overpowers all

an ac will not cool the room unless you vent the exhaust from the unit. i think you either have to add ventilation or try a ghetto cooling setup with frozen water bottles or dry ice
alright thanks for the advice

blowing a fan on the ballast only spreads the heat out evenly over your entire room.....not recommended.....the ballast's I have looked into buying always say dont blow a fan directly on the ballast......just thought it would help....and if you van, get that sucker out of your grow room, maybe at least above your lights and plants were its already hot...who knows...good luck
thanks a lot man i had no clue but now that i think about it that makes sense

well....i have had the exact same problem and it will defitnly mess your grow up if you dont fix it. However it is very fixable. If you leave a frige open it actually makes he room hotter. thats hard to wrap your head around but its true. I bought a ac unit from wall mart for 40 bucks. It was small but very good. it even had a digital reader i could look at from another room. If you cant get the balast out. Put it as high up in the room as you can and dont put a fan behind the balast your just blowing the hot air around that other wise would rise to the celling. Fans are said to have made temps 4 degrees lower. if you could get an exaust fan to the roof that would be great but i didnt get one and i still came out good.
thanks man i'm gonna go look for that thing tomorrow

i have the same problem for my closet grow. i have venting, and even got a 8000 room btu, and now im having amp overload problems. lol. well. another option for you would be to wait till october, and start the grow when its cool.,
Oh BTW, it won't be secret for long. trust me. and the others, they know !!

luckily, my parents are kinda cool. :0
first of all let me just say that I and everyone like me envy you and your sweet parents lol

and don't worry bout it getting found. i have literally thought of everything..except the temp issue lol

ok there a thread on here that show how to make a mini cooler.. for cheap..foam,lil fan,ice and water that mite help if u seal the room good....good luck and peace
alright thanks i'm gonna check that out next...


Well-Known Member
are you kidding axe. how much you gonna spend on that when theyre fully budding is probably more than a new ac. lots of good suggestions here but your not listening. You need to vent theres no way around it. you must take hot air out. your plants may survive but your yield will be halved if you dont get heat under control and actually give them something to breathe. carbon filter for exhaust and just drill a few holes for intake.


Active Member
are you kidding axe. how much you gonna spend on that when theyre fully budding is probably more than a new ac. lots of good suggestions here but your not listening. You need to vent theres no way around it. you must take hot air out. your plants may survive but your yield will be halved if you dont get heat under control and actually give them something to breathe. carbon filter for exhaust and just drill a few holes for intake.
here's why i'm resisting the idea of venting. the walls surrounding the room have walls RIGHT on the other side so theres no way i can drill through them. The ceiling goes straight into the attic which can get well over 110 degrees on a normal day. so if i try to get hot air out into the attic i'll probably end up letting more hot air in.

i took the balast out of the grow room just for an hour when no one was around to see if it made a temperature difference and the difference was astounding. I've had the light on, hydro mistin, and 2 fans a balzin for about an hour and the temp has yet to break 86. I'm satisfied with this since during the 8 hours then 12 hours of darkness it'll cool down to even 75.


Well-Known Member
I am supprised no one has mentioned the one thing that allows plants to live in hotter envornments.

70 is the perfect temp, but you can do one thing and the plants almost prefer 85. Granted your at 95 but it is closer. Hmmm what was that again?



Well-Known Member
I am supprised no one has mentioned the one thing that allows plants to live in hotter envornments.

70 is the perfect temp, but you can do one thing and the plants almost prefer 85. Granted your at 95 but it is closer. Hmmm what was that again?

if you read again i did mention that ! : }


Well-Known Member
Ghetto cooling in also a good idea. Get some water bottles, fill them and freeze them. Put them in the grow room and it will cool it down a great deal. When I was running my stealth box, it got to about 113F but the bottles took it down to 74F at the max.


Active Member
Ghetto cooling in also a good idea. Get some water bottles, fill them and freeze them. Put them in the grow room and it will cool it down a great deal. When I was running my stealth box, it got to about 113F but the bottles took it down to 74F at the max.
i think i'm going to try this first. if my room is at 85 i'm sure the bottles with bring it down dramatically. pllus i dont really mind replacing the bottle all the time cus i'm always looking for an excust to check on my babbies :)

co2 is a little but much for me but thanks for the thought. i've already spent well over 600 bucks on my setup and i'm not really looking to spend more.

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
Does that "ghetto cooling" method really work? How many water bottles do you need? And how should it be set up? Cuz if it really does lower it 10 degrees I don't get why more growers aren't doing this. Thanks in advance!

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
edit: i tried the water bottle thing a couple times, the first time i just put 4 water bottles around my 5 plants and had a fan blow on them until they melted and maybe it dropped a few degress but nothing noticeable.

the 2nd time i had 2 water bottles sitting right in front of the fan while it blew air in the direction of the plants but i still didn't anything. am i doing the technique wrong or something?

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated since my attic is getting up to 120 with a c02 bottle and i think thats stunting my plants growth


Active Member
i tried the watterbottle method and it did help but the waterbottles melted in a few hours so unless you plan on changing them every 3-4 hours it's not a pratical method unless your room is just a few degrees off.


Active Member
stop being a winnie, now circulating hot air isnt gonna help, relocating the ballast will, but you will have heat issues later, you need to bring cooler air in and the old out. i understand the secret issue more than you might think. this is what you should do.

attic is above you right, thats perfect. work with the smallest alluminum duct 4 inch would be perfect one 8eight feet other 25 feet. your probably looking under 20 bucks for both. cut 5 inch holes to the attic and either have the 25 foot long one reaching the bottom of your setup and the other end tied in to your Air conditioning alluminum ducting or straight to an outside sorce up in the attic. the other 4 foot one can have one end at your heighest part in your grow room adn other end anywhere in that attic. connect comp fans that push 100cfm (usually no more than 30 bucks each) one pushing air out in the 4 foot vent duct and the other drawing air in from the attics out side air source or no fan needed if you got it connected to air conditioning.

come on man im sure you can work something out. or dish out acouple bills for an portable ac unit.