Grow room temps are way too hot


As above my grow room temps are too hot!
My room is sitting at around 95 with the lights on..Im running 2x 600watts

The room is 1.2m x 2.2m and 2.3m high
Im using a 6" centrifugal to extract and a 4" bathroom fan to pull air in... The air is getting extracted straight outside through a peice of ducting and a filter equaling about 1m so the air doesnt have far to travel to be expelled

AC is out the question

Have i missed anything vital? im getting cheesed off with the problem



Not using aircooled hoods as they are a pain to move around and rob lumens from me lol
Im using a centrifugal fan which i assume is an inline fan


Active Member
Well there are a couple things you need to consider with air-cooled. Number one is that at 95 degrees your plants cant metabolize properly. The fertilizer you put in will have a very different composition from what the plant can actually absorb with those temps. So it's not just slow growth, high temps are just bad news. So don;t even talk about a couple lumens if your temps are 95 degrees.

Secondly, about those lumens! If you air cool a light you can get that light so fucking close to the plant, AND STILL BE IN YOUR TEMPERATURE SWEET SPOT! The laws of an inverted square, which govern the energy put off from a HID light are going to tell you every inch counts! I try to average 5000+ lumens per sq. foot to my canopy, at 74 degrees. That's as good as it gets indoors mate!


i do have 2 cooltubes sitting there doing nadda!
I might have to rehook them up.. TBH temps werent far out when i had those up and running

I feel a little bit of a dope now..

One more question while we are here. :)

Im thinking of going vert sgrog so can i set my lights up like so?
Filter,y peice.lights.y peice fan,out?


Active Member
I gotta get some lunch man, but check back on this thread later, because I did a couple arenas, and I'll tell my story, lol!