Grow room temps too high, Can someone help?

Hello to all you helpful reaiders and growers of medicine. i need some help with my grow and would appreciate any hints or helpful suggestions.
My situation is as follows:
Took my garage and constructed a grow room with drywall. I have two 1000 HPS bulbs in a 9x10 space. Two passive air intakes close to the floor. One vent pulls hot air out directly from the portable ac, 9000 btu's, to a vent in the garage door. Another vent uses a carbon filter and is connected to both of the lights and exits into the garage. The only air exchange from the garage to outside is two vents in the garage door. While I'm home I keep the door from the garage to the house open so that whatever heat is in the room rises out of the room.

My indoor temps are too high, 77-81 during the day. Relative humidity is between 38-43%. The lights are at least 15-18 from the plants. I use a hydro setup and they are on an automatic timer 4 times a day for 3 min with 5.7-5.8ph, 1.8 ec. They are in veg for last four weeks and recently recovered from an abnormal high ph problem. plants are still showing signs of excessive heat.

Perhaps I need to give more info but I'm hoping this will do.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If you can't get a bigger A/C unit you could always deploy some CO2. It allows you to run temps up to 95 degree safely, you just have to give it more CO2. My grow room is at 85 degrees with the light on and CO2 deployed at 1500 PPM and I don't see any signs of heat stress. To the contrary, I am seeing my girls eat up nutes like they are starving.


Well-Known Member
Another thing, look into water cooling, you can use water chillers to circulate cold water through heat exchanges on your high temp equipment. It sounds scary but is perfectly safe if done correctly.


Active Member
Those temps aren't all that bad. A bigger ac would help. Also if the stress is margin curl it could be too high of a ppm in your nutes.


Active Member
Shit I would love 77-81 my room is at 87 right now and lights did not click until a hour ago... running 4 1000w cooltube with 2 640cfm inlines one pulling coolair through the lights and out and other sucking hot air into the attic, 13000 btu ac and 6 wall mount fans.... its 8 pm u would think the weather would cooldown no idea what to do when its gets hot in june or july.

Does insulated ducting and heat shields mat things for the hood help?