You could make you're own for an 1/8th of the cost, and just as efficent.
Purchase your 400w or 600w or 1000watt with a air-coolable reflector and digital ballast. Make sure its HPS/MH conversion
Go to Walmart, or Home depot or somewhere in town and purchase a Storage case, but just a regular cabinet (6' to 7' tall is what you want) and this will work Great!
Purchase a Carbon filter online premade( FYI 30$ Air scrubber tells you how to make it yourself)
And also get the venting with some cheap inline fans.
Have c02 in the cabinet with Small Muffin fans taking excese heat out of the cabinet( so the temp stays at 90'F when using c02)
CO2 Boost - All-natural CO2 Generators for the purpose of CO2 enrichment and air fertilzation
You can make it yourself all for under 1000.00 to do the same job as a 3500.00 premade one.
There are also $219.00 - $1800.00 premade tent's you can pick up.
Some are package's which come with lights and other things
there not very good because there not really complete.