Grow So Stealth, GF Can't Find It... Auto's under CFL


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No problem smokeplenty, I don't want to give advice because I don't know shit. But start your thread and I will subscribe, and comment my opinions in your thread.


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@AP2K - glad your girls are doing well. Here are some pictures of the same strain (Nirvana Short Rider - Auto, Feminized). They are from day 45 and 43. Even though you started behind me, I will sub to this so I can see how someone else's grow turns out. That will help me decide if I want to ever run this stuff again, or give away the left over beans to some friends. These are in 3 gal pots, 250 watt HPS, 2x4x10 closet, 18/6 schedule, Fox Farm nutes. I'm no expert, but please PM me if you ever need some advice or whatever

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Just keep in mind I've seen several different Phenos of this plant. I'm not sure how stable the genetics really are. One thing I can tell you, is WATCH THE PLANT and forget what Nirvana claims on their website. After talking to several other people who've grown this strain I'm guessing I will probably go somewhere between 75 and 95 days before harvest. I've read of some people taking this plant out to 110+ days.
You got it man!


Active Member
Update: SR1 is 13 days old. You mean to tell me in 2 days this lil thing is gonna flower? :shock:

SR3 is 3 days old. Looks happy.
Similar to others, my plants look yellow here but rest assured, they are a beautiful deep green. Must be the lighting that makes them look like this.
GF still has no idea whats going on in the spare room.:-o


Active Member
I gotta tell ya these plants are TINY. They are barely growing and the light is 1" from each of them. I'll post a few pix this weekend. Talk about micro.


Well-Known Member
keep on going man, here ya go :-)


I gotta tell ya these plants are TINY. They are barely growing and the light is 1" from each of them. I'll post a few pix this weekend. Talk about micro.
yea im having the same problem my plants are 6days in and 9 days in an there the same size as yours at 3 any advice?


Well-Known Member
yea im having the same problem my plants are 6days in and 9 days in an there the same size as yours at 3 any advice?
Nitrogen...give them a low dosing of ferts. If they are stunted, more than likely there is not enough nitrogen in your grow medium.


Active Member
yea im having the same problem my plants are 6days in and 9 days in an there the same size as yours at 3 any advice?
Not really, I haven't done anything other than give it water and lights 24 hours a day. I wish I had something to suggest, my short rider 3 is a little behind too at 7 days than the first one. I'm going to add some 6500K lights today to mix up the spectrum, maybe that will give a little growth boost. Good luck smokeplenty.


Active Member
Nitrogen...give them a low dosing of ferts. If they are stunted, more than likely there is not enough nitrogen in your grow medium.
That makes sense, thanks Lady J. I see a small browned area on a leaf today too; I'm going to add some grow nutes just to see if it helps. Supposedly this little plant will begin flower next week so I may have a tiny window to let it veg. Was initially hesitant to give any veg nutes, #1 because the Nirvana website said not too; #2 because I thought the FFOF soil would sustain it in it's very short veg period.


Active Member
So here they are today. The lady is out shopping.
SR1 is 17 days old today. Looking good, this thing is compact. Theres actually about 5 true nodes in there, the internodal spaces are tiny. Seriously its like they are all coming out of one shoot. This thing looks like its gonna be a head of lettuce soon. Notice the brown tip of one leaf. Will feed very lightly today.

Here is SR3 about 7 days in. You can see it is small compared to SR1 at the same age. I will give it a few days before adding nutes to this one.

Also will be mixing up the lighting spectrum a little today, adding some 6500K bulbs to help with growth. Let's see if it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I didn't notice before, but they are majorly stunted. Both should be a lot larger at their ages. This happened to me too when I thought the soil would have enough N to hold them over. Am actually trying to recover my stunted plants now. Don't listen to the website, listen to your babies! I watered with a low dose fert yesterday and foliar fed to get the nutes to the leaves faster. From now on, give them low strength veg nutes every other watering and they'll start to take will notice a difference in 2-4 days.

EDIT: And good thing you added the 6500k. Plants use that spectrum to develop their structure...helps them stay nice and squat. Very important during veg! Should notice a difference very soon, especially after giving them some N to grow.


Active Member
Thanks guys... So I gave it some nitrogen, the lil one I'll wait a day or two as for but the big one I gave it a healthy dose. FloraNova grow 7-4-10. I'll give it some good doses next day or 2. Also added 5000K bulbs, couldn't find any higher at the store, will order some online tomorrow. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
you should take the 2700 away for veg they give off a Sept/october sun... 6500 and 5000 give off a June sune


Well-Known Member
you should take the 2700 away for veg they give off a Sept/october sun... 6500 and 5000 give off a June sune
It's good to have some 2700k as well...3:1 ratio of 6500k to 2700k is ideal for veg to better simulate the sun. Reverse for flowering.