Grow Tent 6x6 with 4 90W UFO LED


Active Member
Just want to say nice site you got here !! Been lurking for abit and wanted to get some input. This will be my first attempt so I want to start right. This is the route I think I want to go with the space allowed. The tent is actually 6.5 by 6.5 by 6.5 feet and I want to run 4 90W UFO LED which would cover twice that area but hoping 4 would help with the yields. I have started some seedlings (2 skunk and 2 blueberry) and I plan on using them for cloning. First time so I thought 4 would be enough to get good at :) After that I want to purchase female seeds (5 strains) and use cloning to speed up the process with hopes of better yields :) Anyway that is where I am at right now and any additional info is welcomed !!


Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan. Might want to start more seeds unless you know they're feminized, to ensure you get at least a couple females. I have 1 ufo and I'm happy with it so far


Active Member
Actually going to order 5 different strains 6 each for 30 seeds in total. Of course female seeds. The idea would be to keep one from each strain for cloning once I figured that stage out likely in 2 to 3 weeks. Doesn't look hard as I have research over and over and over .. lol We will be starting with 30 seedlings and working from there. The 4 seedlings growing right now are for testing. I got a few days before I decide what I'm ordering as that isn't very easy either I might add ... lmao I want to grow them all .. lol but of course I'm looking for higher yields, THC % and flowering time etc ... input on that would be great !!

Peace and thanks for the reply !!


Well-Known Member
i would do much different things with that ammount of space. I would go with either 1000w HPS, or two 400's maybe. less than 400w in a 6X6 area is not going to be enough light. IF you want maximum THC, and yeilds as you claim, bump up the wattage and go HPS. Also consider putting a bunch more plants in there. Maybe 16 total would sound about right


Well-Known Member
After doing some reading about the lights you intend to buy, they are getting really poor reviews from people regarding growing grass. Would be a lot cheaper to get a few 600w lamps, or a 1000w or 2


Active Member
Or stay with the 4 Ufos and add a 400 or 600w hps. I Run a 90w ufo side by side with a 430w hps and they work great together. Nice fat buds.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies !! I know there are mixed reviews about them as I have read but adding 2 extra UFO LED as only 2 would be needed for that area would increase the chances of a better yield and good growth. 4 UFO LED are equal to 2400W HPS or at least that is what I'm lead to believe :( but that may not be the case so input is welcomed and thanked !!

Adding a 600HPS may not be out of the question. I really don't expect much the first time but I do want to head in the right direction ;)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Well-Known Member
im sorry but i cant let you believe 4 UFOs will grow any better than a single 600w hps. i have two and i couldnt pull more than 40g yet. im telling you go with hps and ull be thanking yourself in the long run. ill sell u my two if you want them and ill go buy a hps!!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
1000 watters. I just got rid of my ufo. I did not really give it a chance. Some guys like 206 are doing good with led. I am nack to my 400 for veg and 600 for flower. I have a 4x4 for my 600.

I would think that if UFO then at least 1 ufo a plant. IDK, I dont think it is my place to bag on the leds. I was excited, but in the end while my clone growth was slow do to them prob being clones I could not take it and put my 400 over them and am much more calm. I cant afford to lose a grow to experimental lighting.


Active Member
WOW giving me something to think about. If I was to go HPS would 600W be enough or 2 400W or 1000W perhaps ? Wish I could get 2 tents .. lol Thanks for the replies :) Will sleep on it !! I did place an order for seeds tonight so that is a start.

Short Rider - Feminized

Wonder Woman - Feminized

PPP (Pure Power Plant) - Feminized

Blue Mystic - Feminized

Papaya - Feminized


Well-Known Member
with that size tent you could fit two 600s or two 1000s in there. u just need to properly set up the air control and keep it at a solid temperature. i would say two 600 would keep your plants happy and bushy at the same time keep your electricity a tad bit lower. if you really want LED, add them in as supplemental lighting(they do work for creating a good amount of crystals).


Active Member
After much research and help from all of those who posted I have decided to go a different direction. I want to get this as close to being right so I thank those who replied !! The conditions have changed where we now have 12 by 10 for space and unlimited power. I am going to start a new thread on the subject :)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~