GROW TENT AND Co2 in the bedroom, deadly combo?

Gorilla Mike

New Member
My final and perhaps most important question is, is my tent airtight enough to be dealing with Co2??? if i run the co2 at night with the tent in the corner of my bedroom am i gonna wake up dead?
Hey Theo,

A Co2 grow tent in your bedroom? That’s hilarious! Of course you’ll wake up dead! Your avatar of one of the Trailer Park Boys is appropriate for what you’re talking about! Crazy shit man! Seriously, though, are you trying to grow great Buds or off yourself? If you do and kill yourself, you won’t be around to enjoy your Buds! What I’m trying to say is why risk it?

I’m no authority on Co2 usage in a grow. All I have to share are my experiences with this shit cause I tried it once in one of my large grows where it was safe to set up and I wasn’t living in or sleeping in the same area! I went to all the expense and trouble to research, buy and set up the Co2 and only got minimal better results. To me, it wasn’t worth the time, trouble and expense. If your venting is good with plenty of fresh air in, your plants will get all the Co2 they need.

What were your Buds like before you got the itch to use Co2? If you were happy, why fix something that ain’t broke?

All the rest of your equipment sounds great especially if you’re willing to add the expensive of A/C to your bedroom. Your air conditioner will act as your de-humidifier as well as your exhaust for your grow tent bedroom while disguising the sound of your lights and system working when you have company. Is that why you want the tent in your bedroom? But what about the person(s) you’ll be “sleeping” with? You’ll need to be able to trust them. But my policy is never trust anybody especially a fuck.

When I was still a hobby grower, in one place I rented I had my little grow in a closet of my second bedroom which was my weight-room. All my company never went in their cause most people and especially the sluts I was banging are afraid of weights like they avoid books and reading. The door was always open to the weight room so fresh air was always getting into the closed closet and a little bathroom fan I installed in the closet ceiling out to the attic which was always cold in the winter (the only time I’d grow) was my grow room exhaust. Fresh air in and fresh air out. Those plants were explosively good and got plenty of extra Co2 from my heavy breathing while working out! Once I even had a breakin there and stuff was stolen from every room in my apt EXCEPT the weight room!

Now that I’m a big commercial “underground” grower I still like to keep things simple and could use Co2 but I choose not to and I still grow the best Buds! The only time I ever “complicated” shit was when I got big and started using auto-trimmers. They were expensive complicated machines that used blades. All the good resin from my Buds would gum up the blades and break down the machines. Now I use a bladeless trimmer called a Toms Tumble Trimmer. Its simple, doesn’t use blades and never breaks down! Hell, it doesn’t even need cleaning or maintenance so now instead of growing a few plants a year in my closet, I’m growing thousands in my greenhouses and indoor winter grow bunkers and I STILL keep things simple: NO CO2 ALLOWED!

So that’s my advise on your Co2 plan: avoid it if you don’t want the headaches—literal and otherwise and with everything else you got, you’ll do just dandy!