Active Member
LoudBlunts, this isn't about you, it is about tents. I test them for a living. The number of times you posted versus me is totally insignificant. You don't scare me how many light leaks from the dark room? one user with 1 post?
yea, your fucking very credible....thanks for trying to take a stab at me and my advice. but i really cant see me really giving a fuck about someone who tries to belittle me but has one post. LMAO
second....maybe you're too stewpid to put a tent together.....ever wonder why they have those big ass flaps in the inside behind the zipper? ITS FOR THE FLAP TO bE FOLDED UP TO STOP lightleaks.... but i bet your genius ass didnt think about that? i bet you got your flaps all bent up
nice try....close but no cigar.
before you try and belittle me again, maybe you should look at my post count and my reputation, then look at yours....then logic might strike you some sense!!!!
This past weekend was a hydro trade show in Vegas called the PGTA. This is where I was. Where you there? I met with the maker of the Dark Room. I don't recall you being in our meeting. It took place in his DR300 on the trade floor. Keep smoking your reputation and post count cause it is all you have.
You throw around some hefty words but don't offer a single shred of proof for what you say! How can you prove a case with no real evidence? Oh you sound good on here where nobody knows any better but you really don't offer much in the way of evidence.
For the sake of this argument, barring the current problem with most white plastic tents (which I readily agree is a major and deal breaking problem), let's take a look at quality realistically.
Everyone can grow in a DR, I don't doubt that but does that mean it is well made? Nope!
The weight of the DR against any other brand (excluding HTG which is selling the biggest piece of shit made)? Why does the DR weigh half of the HH, Habitat or Sunhut? Aluminum poles is the answer. They are cheaper, lighter and make the cost of the DR much cheaper to mfr but the retail price is HIGHER than any other tent has ever been! Even the Homebox, which uses crappy poles too weighs more.
The material: Yes it looks cool. Everyone will agree that the (plastic based material) metal-like material really catches the eye and is probably the single biggest selling point. It comes from the photo umbrellas used by the photo industry. It isn't very shiny until they coat it with a nice shiny layer of PVC to make it brilliant. Don't take my word for it. Do a simple test.
This flap that Loudblunts is so stuck too (which doesn't work very well) that is supposed to keep the light from penetrating through the zipper but only works on the upper portion of the tent, tear it. Yes, take your fingers and tear it off with your nails--yeah just like a piece of masking tape. That is how easy it is to rip. Take this little piece of precious flap and burn with a lighter. This will expose your PVC layer, make the so called metal stuff bubble (just like plastic) and most of all, it will allow you to smell it--all plastic. Metal won't burn like that.
I can hang from my poles on three other tents. I weigh 200 lbs. As soon as I put my weight on the DR, the aluminum poles folded in half and broke! Ok, you say, nobody does this and you're right. We did it because DR is running around with a video showing that you can hang from the poles and we wanted to debunk that BS so we did. We then got another DR to keep testing.
Why does this matter? Because you guys all want to hang hella shit from the ceiling-- filters, fans, lights, ducting etc and you should be able to without any problems. The bigger the tent gets, the more likely your ceiling will bend or break. The smaller units can take the average weight.
You will notice in Puff's set up (very nice by the way), that he had to hang his blue Windtunnel from BWGS by himself. There was no provided spot for that blower. Other tents have offered a blower and filter bracket for years. DR cut corners and saved money on this and yet is costs more!
The zipper is the worst thing about the DR. It is the one "tool" that gets used the absolute most. I told the owner this very thing last week. Not if, but when your zipper breaks, you go from happy camper to seeking a replacement. DR is plagued by zipper replacements. The zipper is inferior. Someone mentioned that other tents were the same. Not true. Homebox isn't great, HTG sucks as usual, but SunHut, Habitat and HH all use bigger toothed, plastic zippers that can and do take more punishment. Again, this is the one part that will break and shouldn't on the DR.
The flap-- it is supposed to keep light from penetrating the zipper. The design by DR again is VERY cheap and not good enough. The industry should not go from better to worse. The flap is insignificant on the bottom half of the DR because the light coming from above makes its way past the flap and right out. This happens on the side doors as well. It is supposed to stop the light but it does not! This means it does not work as intended or touted by Loudblunts. Sorry dude, evidence speaks for itself and I never intended this to be about you.
Setup on the DR is the best. Because it doesn't need specific poles in specific places to make the general frame (unlike the other models), the directions are very simple and this makes it very fast to assemble. Good job on keeping it really simple. I less impressed by the fact that the ceiling cross members don't fasten to the frame but let's face it, you have to be pretty stoned to knock one of the cross members off once installed.
The pebbled metal surface versus white. Most of you missed this one. Yes, it looks really cool and again I will repeat is probably the biggest selling feature whether you took the time to realize it or not. However, titanium dioxide white is the whitest white in the world and it has much better reflective properties than mylar. White in general reflects more light than mylar. Cool selling point but really insignificant in the long run. You will grow the same whether its white or mylar. Too many other factors are much more important--temp, humidity, lumens, bugs and strain.
Back to the pinholes. The sewing needle sewing the tent is what made them. The owner admitted to me that it HAS BEEN a problem! The material is so thin that when sewn, it leaves holes! It is that simple. It is a problem. How he fixes it remains to be seen in his next model.
I leave you with this: if the tent weighs half of its competition, uses aluminum not steel poles, plastic not steel corners, has no specific brackets for fans or filters, has pin holes, is made with a really bad zipper, & allows light to leak through its zipper, and costs more, is it really that good? No. It is only good right now because the other tents are killing plants. Once they work past that issue, all of the other companies will be offering a superior product for your money compared to the DR. Count on it, free trade will bring you the best out there. The DR is currently way over priced and time will prove that I am right.
No hard feelings Loudblunts-- you could not have seen me coming. Respect.